jwoodard80 / Zabbix_Notes

This is where I have some notes on Zabbix problems I've solved
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Getting error in Zabbix 6. #1

Open JSuenram opened 1 year ago

JSuenram commented 1 year ago

Cannot create item: invalid value for preprocessing step #1: unsupported construct in jsonpath starting with: "[\" ([A-Z].*)\"]", \1)}")].status_translated".

Can anyone help?

Rudorufu-san commented 1 month ago

Hi, work for me In "Item prototype name", "Item prototype description", "postprocesing of Item prototype". Not in "Item prototype key"

ZBX 6.4.10:

$.StoragePolicy[?(@.Name=="{{#TIERNAME}.regsub("([^[]\"\]+)", \1)}")].iopsAllocated.first()

Example JSON data: { "CpuAllocated": "252000", "CpuLimit": "252000", "CpuReserved": "0", "CpuUsed": "244000", "CpuReservationUsed": "0", "CpuPercent": "96.83", "RamAllocated": "1945600", "RamLimit": "1945600", "RamReserved": "389120", "RamUsed": "1755136", "RamReservationUsed": "0", "RamPercent": "90.21", "StoragePolicy": [ { "storageLimitMB": "1228800", "storageUsedMB": "20480", "iopsAllocated": "171600", "diskIopsDefault": "600", "iopsLimit": "500000", "IopsPercent": "34.32", "StoragePercent": "1.67", "Name": "Archive" }, { "storageLimitMB": "43212800", "storageUsedMB": "38083760", "iopsAllocated": "171600", "diskIopsDefault": "1200", "iopsLimit": "500000", "IopsPercent": "34.32", "StoragePercent": "88.13", "Name": "Standard" }, { "storageLimitMB": "20971520", "storageUsedMB": "17298432", "iopsAllocated": "67200", "diskIopsDefault": "0", "iopsLimit": "0", "IopsPercent": "34.32", "StoragePercent": "82.49", "Name": "NetappPFS" }, { "storageLimitMB": "12288000", "storageUsedMB": "3461120", "iopsAllocated": "171600", "diskIopsDefault": "4800", "iopsLimit": "50000000", "IopsPercent": "0.34", "StoragePercent": "28.17", "Name": "Fast" }, { "storageLimitMB": "9420800", "storageUsedMB": "81920", "iopsAllocated": "171600", "diskIopsDefault": "9600", "iopsLimit": "500000", "IopsPercent": "34.32", "StoragePercent": "0.87", "Name": "FastPlus" } ] }