jwoudenberg / elm-pair

An artificial pair-programmer that helps you write Elm
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Separate Neovim plugin #15

Open sayanarijit opened 2 years ago

sayanarijit commented 2 years ago

Hi, is it possible to separate the Neovim plugin from this codebase?

Since not everyone uses Neovim from Nixpkgs, and different plugin managers have different configurations for adding subdirectories, I think it will be easier for many Neovim users to discover and install this awesome plugin if this was a regular .vim or .nvim repo.

If needed, the plugin repo can be added as a git submodule.

jwoudenberg commented 2 years ago

Hi @sayanarijit, thank you for raising this!

Having a separate neovim plugin repo is something I want to do at some point for the reasons you outlined. There's some code sharing between the Neovim plugin and other code, that's why I've kept everything together into a single repo for now. I've have had a couple of bad experiences with git submodules, which is why I'm not reaching for that at the moment. What I'd like is to improve my release tooling, so that when I make a new release of Elm-pair it automatically pushes a new plugin version into this separate repo, but I haven't gotten to doing this yet. I'd love to keep this issue open as a reminder for myself.

I get the sense from your post things work for youself, and that you're primarily concerned for making it easier for others to install Elm-pair (appreciate it!), but just to double-check: do you have trouble getting Elm-pair to run? If so then in addition to this issue, I'd be happy to help get things running for you with the current monorepo setup!

sayanarijit commented 2 years ago

Actually no :smile: I'm struggling with setting it up using vim-plug. I don't want to manage it manually. It'd help if there's some instruction on how to setup using vim plug and/or packer.nvim (I'm planning to switch to it sometime soon). Although it's not something urgent. I'm not working on any elm project as of now.

jwoudenberg commented 2 years ago

I've used vim-plug, good times!

Does adding the plugin with this configuration work for you?

Plug 'jwoudenberg/elm-pair', { 'rtp': 'editor-integrations/neovim' }

For packer.nvim it should be:

use {'jwoudenberg/elm-pair', rtp = 'editor-integrations/neovim'}

Let me know if that works for you!

I definitely need to add this to documentation. Thank you again for raising this!

sayanarijit commented 2 years ago

Ah thanks... how did I miss this :man_facepalming: In my defense, rtp is a weird name for a subdirectory argument.

jwoudenberg commented 2 years ago

Agreed! I thought it was the dir option at first!

jwoudenberg commented 2 years ago

@sayanarijit if you update to the latest version you'll need to change those rtp paths a bit, because I just moved the plugin, sorry :sweat_smile:. I've updated my comment above with the new paths. If you update, please beware of the new license!

sayanarijit commented 2 years ago

Cool. Thanks for the notifying...