jwoudenberg / elm-pair

An artificial pair-programmer that helps you write Elm
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Crashes on opening Elm file in a project with a dependency to `justinmimbs/timezone-data` #6

Closed Janiczek closed 2 years ago

Janiczek commented 2 years ago

elm-pair version: manually compiled from the commit 091db2e626f9a7b042577917fdffa6e1546b8ae7

After opening vim src/Main.elm there is no elm-pair functionality in neovim, pgrep elm-pair returns nothing, and ~/Caches/elm-pair/0.4.0/log says:

[info] Found Elm compiler binary: "elm"
[info] elm-pair has started
[info] editor neovim connected and given id 0
[info] new buffer opened: Buffer { editor_id: 0, buffer_id: 1 }
[info] running compilation for revision 0 of buffer Buffer { editor_id: 0, buffer_id: 1 }
thread 'main' panicked at 'capacity overflow', library/alloc/src/raw_vec.rs:562:5
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

If I do RUST_BACKTRACE=1 it's mostly the same but tells me to do RUST_BACKTRACE=full. Doing that leads to

[info] Found Elm compiler binary: "elm"
[info] elm-pair has started
[info] editor neovim connected and given id 0
[info] new buffer opened: Buffer { editor_id: 0, buffer_id: 1 }
[info] running compilation for revision 0 of buffer Buffer { editor_id: 0, buffer_id: 1 }
thread 'main' panicked at 'capacity overflow', library/alloc/src/raw_vec.rs:562:5
stack backtrace:
   0:        0x102cf0358 - <unknown>
   1:        0x102d00690 - <unknown>
   2:        0x102ce667c - <unknown>
   3:        0x102ce93e8 - <unknown>
   4:        0x102ce8fac - <unknown>
   5:        0x102ce992c - <unknown>
   6:        0x102cf0958 - <unknown>
   7:        0x102cf04a0 - <unknown>
   8:        0x102ce94d4 - <unknown>
   9:        0x102d15f24 - <unknown>
  10:        0x102d15ea8 - <unknown>
  11:        0x102cfab4c - <unknown>
  12:        0x1022b5940 - <unknown>
  13:        0x102312adc - <unknown>
  14:        0x1027285b0 - <unknown>
  15:        0x10271ef28 - <unknown>

continuing for 109 lines.

Janiczek commented 2 years ago

Since this in a proprietary repository, I can't just share the project globally. I'm trying to get to the bottom of it though, chopping parts off...

Janiczek commented 2 years ago

I've got it down to src/Main.elm:

module Main exposing (main)
import Html
main = Html.text ""

and elm.json:

    "type": "application",
    "source-directories": [
    "elm-version": "0.19.1",
    "dependencies": {
        "direct": {
            "GlobalWebIndex/cmd-extra": "1.4.0",
            "elm/browser": "1.0.2",
            "elm/core": "1.0.5",
            "elm/http": "2.0.0",
            "elm/json": "1.1.3",
            "elm/svg": "1.0.1",
            "elm/time": "1.0.0",
            "elm/url": "1.0.0",
            "elm-community/html-extra": "3.4.0",
            "elm-community/json-extra": "4.3.0",
            "elm-community/maybe-extra": "5.3.0",
            "krisajenkins/remotedata": "6.0.1",
            "rtfeldman/elm-css": "17.0.5",
            "rtfeldman/elm-iso8601-date-strings": "1.1.4",
            "turboMaCk/any-set": "1.5.0",
            "waratuman/time-extra": "1.1.0"
        "indirect": {
            "elm/bytes": "1.0.8",
            "elm/file": "1.0.5",
            "elm/html": "1.0.0",
            "elm/parser": "1.1.0",
            "elm/virtual-dom": "1.0.2",
            "justinmimbs/timezone-data": "2.1.4",
            "robinheghan/murmur3": "1.0.0",
            "rtfeldman/elm-hex": "1.0.0",
            "turboMaCk/any-dict": "2.6.0"
    "test-dependencies": {
        "direct": {},
        "indirect": {}

I'll try to minimize the elm.json now.

Janiczek commented 2 years ago

The error seems to be linked to justinmimbs/timezone-data, which is quite big:


which would agree with the error - vector capacity overflow.

My final SSCCE'd elm.json:

    "type": "application",
    "source-directories": [
    "elm-version": "0.19.1",
    "dependencies": {
        "direct": {
            "elm/browser": "1.0.2",
            "elm/core": "1.0.5",
            "elm/html": "1.0.0",
            "justinmimbs/timezone-data": "5.1.2"
        "indirect": {
            "elm/json": "1.1.3",
            "elm/time": "1.0.0",
            "elm/url": "1.0.0",
            "elm/virtual-dom": "1.0.2"
    "test-dependencies": {
        "direct": {},
        "indirect": {}
jwoudenberg commented 2 years ago

Beautiful bug report, thank you! I'm looking into it now.

jwoudenberg commented 2 years ago

@Janiczek on an unrelated point: are you manually compiling to get a native elm-pair binary, and so avoid needing to use Rosetta on your Arm64 Macbook? I'm curious what the install-experience on those newer Macbooks is like since I don't have one myself to test.

Janiczek commented 2 years ago

I mainly wanted to try out nix+rust together (although I'm unconvinced - debug built fine, but --release didn't build due to errors I couldn't figure out how to fix).

I'm curious what the install-experience on those newer Macbooks is like

I'll go clone the current version of your repo from scratch and will report here 🙂

Janiczek commented 2 years ago

It went pretty smooth!

Download Elm compiler 0.19.1...
Download Elm-pair release-4...
Elm-pair installation complete!
jwoudenberg commented 2 years ago

I'm not able to reproduce this one against your example, either on my Linux box or Macbook :cry:. In both cases elm-pair runs and does things, even using values from the justinmimbs/timezone-data package. Randomly inspecting some potentially guilty vectors didn't unearth anything suspicious either. Memory usage is almost 0 while it is running, and also my Macbook Pro is 5 years old, so in hardware terms I imagine your Arm64-based one is miles ahead of mine anyway :thinking:.

The <unknown> entries in your stacktrace are weird. I'd expect those in the distributed binaries because those get built with the --release flag, which I believe omit debug symbols. But you were saying that you were running your own compiled binary built without the --release flag, right? Does using the distributed binaries result in the same error?

Janiczek commented 2 years ago

I was actually able to get a backtrace from your official build! This is on 0.4.0:

thread 'main' panicked at 'capacity overflow', library/alloc/src/raw_vec.rs:509:5
stack backtrace:
   0:        0x1006d31f1 - <std::sys_common::backtrace::_print::DisplayBacktrace as core::fmt::Display>::fmt::h90c059b532d34bdd
   1:        0x1006f03ab - core::fmt::write::hefb311138778afb5
   2:        0x1006ce5fa - std::io::Write::write_fmt::h0e0ed87b18ae870c
   3:        0x1006d4a15 - std::panicking::default_hook::{{closure}}::h43f0e51e5825bd5b
   4:        0x1006d45ff - std::panicking::default_hook::ha1c3473cbcf391f7
   5:        0x1006d5100 - std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook::h0db3c4ba5fb4dc12
   6:        0x1006d4b74 - std::panicking::begin_panic_handler::{{closure}}::hc6d8c92efeef5a19
   7:        0x1006d3667 - std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace::h7ffb59e898e02a83
   8:        0x1006d4b0a - _rust_begin_unwind
   9:        0x1007131df - core::panicking::panic_fmt::h7d73f67464d78916
  10:        0x100713137 - core::panicking::panic::h9721d5a8c5d33ad7
  11:        0x1006ea73c - alloc::raw_vec::capacity_overflow::hfb61678c6d58a3b6
  12:        0x1005b9515 - elm_pair::elm::io::parse_elm_stuff_idat::parse_elm_stuff_idat::h84d18c990a9301b1
  13:        0x1001feafc - <differential_dataflow::operators::reduce::history_replay::HistoryReplayer<V1,V2,T,R1,R2> as differential_dataflow::operators::reduce::PerKeyCompute<V1,V2,T,R1,R2>>::compute::hc7ec5cec657ac7c0
  14:        0x100337afe - timely::dataflow::operators::generic::builder_rc::OperatorBuilder<G>::build_reschedule::{{closure}}::hb00178903fcbc135
  15:        0x1002a4392 - <timely::dataflow::operators::generic::builder_raw::OperatorCore<T,L> as timely::scheduling::Schedule>::schedule::h4c8c49a19ce22758
  16:        0x1003c5f81 - <timely::progress::subgraph::Subgraph<TOuter,TInner> as timely::scheduling::Schedule>::schedule::hb7138226abacd90e
  17:        0x1005eb41d - timely::worker::Wrapper::step::hc8b6e6a256e02aca
  18:        0x1004db1d9 - timely::worker::Worker<A>::step_while::h37e0230d38fed230
  19:        0x1005bfe61 - elm_pair::lib::dataflow::Advancable::advance::h3397c155eb1f3f4d
  20:        0x1004678b4 - elm_pair::elm::dependencies::DataflowComputation::advance::ha7c0c3c61e6a49ba
  21:        0x100403cf8 - elm_pair::analysis_thread::run::h31ab316fd7f0bd10
  22:        0x1003a9e69 - elm_pair::main::h2cff6cf0af74ee3e
  23:        0x10026d726 - std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace::h1fb6c74b1824be1d
  24:        0x100204e4c - std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}}::hb73fad24fb9872e0
  25:        0x1006d2e9f - std::rt::lang_start_internal::hb74872162e3d56c9
  26:        0x1003aa9b9 - _main

Looks like this is the culprit?

  12:        0x1005b9515 - elm_pair::elm::io::parse_elm_stuff_idat::parse_elm_stuff_idat::h84d18c990a9301b1
Janiczek commented 2 years ago

Incidentally my elm-stuff/0.19.1/i.dat is >500kB in size. Perhaps that's hitting some buffer size sweet spot.

Janiczek commented 2 years ago

In case that's helpful here's my ulimit -a:

$ ulimit -a
core file size              (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size               (kbytes, -d) unlimited
file size                   (blocks, -f) unlimited
max locked memory           (kbytes, -l) unlimited
max memory size             (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files                          (-n) 256
pipe size                (512 bytes, -p) 1
stack size                  (kbytes, -s) 8176
cpu time                   (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes                  (-u) 2666
virtual memory              (kbytes, -v) unlimited
jwoudenberg commented 2 years ago

Super useful, thank you! This gave me an idea for what to try next. I'll report back!

jwoudenberg commented 2 years ago

Good news: I can reproduce this error now :tada:. Not found the problem yet though. Just briefly popping in to say the previous commit can be ignored; it does not fix the problem.

jwoudenberg commented 2 years ago

This is fixed! I'm going to do another release later today that will include the fix. I'll close this issue once the release is out.

The problem was a bug in the i.dat parser: It would not parse triple-tuple types correctly. If one was included in the i.dat file any data parsed after the triple tuple would be garbage. The way that manifested in your particular case was that Elm-pair would start parsing an Int it thought might describe the number of constructors of a type or some such and would get back a garbage number that happened to be very large. Then it would try to allocate a vector to contain those many fake constructors and crash.

The library exporting the tuple was waratuman/time-extra, for example here. I think it might have been the only one in your dependencies (triple tuples being pretty rare), as I can only reproduce the problem when I install exactly that lib. Elm-pair doesn't yet call elm-make to regenerate the i.dat file when the elm.json changes, so I think maybe in your SSCCE the i.dat file might still have included time-extra.

Thank you again for your super helpful debug output, it was indispensible!

Janiczek commented 2 years ago

Wow @jwoudenberg, nice! The explanation totally makes sense.

The error was a bit hit-and-miss for me, not always reproducible - this was probably what you're describing here:

Elm-pair doesn't yet call elm-make to regenerate the i.dat file when the elm.json changes, so I think maybe in your SSCCE the i.dat file might still have included time-extra.

And I couldn't decide whether it was waratuman/time-extra or justinmimbs/timezone-data that caused the error. Sorry for leading you down the "it must surely be the huge library" path.

Glad this is sorted out and you found the triple-tuple parsing bug!

Janiczek commented 2 years ago

I just want to confirm that I've built the current main revision of the repo and it's not crashing anymore - it's running quite nicely on our huge production codebase 🙂 I consider this fixed! Thanks again ❤️

jwoudenberg commented 2 years ago

Hooray, thank you so much! I'm also super happy to hear it's doing well on a huge production codebase. That's kind of hard to test for me, the biggest project I currently have access to is elm-spa-example. If you notice anything like slowness or large resource usage, please let me know!

I just pushed release 6, which is probably the exact same thing you're running now. In addition to this fix Elm-pair should also be less eager to rename now, per your tweet.