jwplayer / jwplayer-react-native

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[BUG][A] All tracks are marked captions #17

Closed Jmilham21 closed 2 weeks ago

Jmilham21 commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug When manually creating tracks objects, only captions will be parsed on Android.

To Reproduce Add any non-captions track to a tracks object and use forceLegacyConfig: true

This issue does not persist when using the modern approach of passing a JWP Delivery API response to the player.

Expected behavior All tracks types will be parsed and respected. CAPTIONS, CHAPTERS, THUMBNAILS

Screenshots / Visual evidence N/A

Additional context This came about from researching the this issue.

Jmilham21 commented 2 weeks ago

Resolved with this. Now, all kind of tracks should be respected,