jwstegemann / fritz2

Easily build reactive web-apps in Kotlin based on flows and coroutines.
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Use Optics from Arrow? #779

Closed serras closed 11 months ago

serras commented 11 months ago

Hi, I'm the main maintainer of Arrow Optics and the corresponding plug-in. I've been playing with fritz2 for personal projects, and one of the things that I was curious about is why fritz2 has its's own @Lenses annotation, instead of maybe reusing Arrow's.

From the Arrow side we would be extremely happy if a project like fritz2 would consider Arrow 😄 I'm happy to talk about any feature that may be missing from Arrow that would be required for fritz2.

Lysander commented 11 months ago

Hi :-)

I became member of the fritz2 team after the decision has been already taken, not to rely on Arrow. Nevertheless I will try to answer your question:

Afair the main reason was to keep the dependencies of the core library as minimal as possible. Also it might be possible, that the API of Arrow's Lenses was not stable yet at this time?

I also remember, that we internally have discussed to investigate a way to use Arrow in fritz2 after the 1.0 release.

I think @jwstegemann or @jamowei could answer this ultimatively :-)

serras commented 11 months ago

Makes sense. I’m working on a small arrow-fritz2 module, hopefully I’ll get to publish it by the end of the week.

Lysander commented 11 months ago

Sounds very cool!

Please ping us then!