jwueller / jellyfin-plugin-onepace

Jellyfin metadata and cover art integration for the https://onepace.net/ project
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Jaya and Post Enies Lobby Arcs Missing #44

Closed mzrimsek closed 6 months ago

mzrimsek commented 6 months ago

Basically the title. I updated recently because I read it fixed some issues I was noticing where the episodes wouldn't be listed under an arc.

After updating 2 of the arcs seem to be missing (I count 30 when there should be 32 so it seems to just be these 2).

mzrimsek commented 6 months ago

Apologies I searched through some other closed issues and noticed #34 is similar. I will try adding the episode ranges to the folders (I had mine named the same as the other person) and see if that fixes it!

Thanks for making this plugin hopefully this gets me what I need!

jwueller commented 6 months ago

Hi! Can you confirm that you are running on the latest version? It should be

Chapter ranges are the most reliable way to do the matching, but the titles should work as well. Please feel free to reopen this if the issue persists on the latest version! In that case it would be very helpful if you could upload the relevant logs.

mzrimsek commented 6 months ago

Yep I updated to the latest version last night I need to add the chapter ranges to my folders later today and see if that fixes it. If I run into any issues I'll try to upload anything relevant to try and track down what's going on!

jwueller commented 6 months ago

The new version should work with just the titles too. That's why I'm concerned that it might not actually work as intended. You can work around it with the chapter ranges though.

mzrimsek commented 6 months ago

Gotcha. FWIW this is what my current naming looks like (apologies I'm not at my home computer with easy access to a better file explorer)


jwueller commented 6 months ago

That's very helpful, thanks! I'll try and see if I can reproduce this problem locally.

mzrimsek commented 6 months ago

I will also add that before updating I believe it was listing all the arcs as seasons properly (though no way to easily verify this atm). I had taken a small break from the show after getting through Arabasta and noticed when trying to load up Jaya that no episodes were listed even though it had the number showing correctly (which is what I believe y'all fixed in the latest update).

I'd be happy to downgrade (if that's possible) to try and help troubleshoot this later once I am back from work though. I have not touched my file naming since I initially set this up several months ago and pretty much just drop the files in the folders when new releases come out.

mzrimsek commented 6 months ago

Alright I had a chance to look at this again. I renamed my folders and stuff did improve a bit but it seems maybe there are some issues. Here is how I have it named now - perhaps a second pair of eyes will spot anything I messed up if I did.


After rescanning my library a lot of arcs that were missing their art now have it which is sick. Love that. I do notice that Gaimon arc looks different like it's the default art of the plugin so I feel like I probably did something wrong with how I named the folder but it seems to have all the content and whatever all fine. I've updated the naming a few times since posting this and fixed the Gaimon arc.

My list seems to have the Skypiea and Jaya arcs in the wrong order (just swapped it looks like?). It also looks like the Long Ring Long Land and Post-Enies Lobby arcs are missing, but again maybe I misnamed something.


Lemme know if there's anything I should change or if there's anything else I can share to help if these are in fact issues that aren't just user error on my end.

mzrimsek commented 6 months ago

Upon further investigation I am seeing the episodes from the Long Ring Long Land arc in my Jaya arc. They seem to be listing then mixed together - 1 episode of Long Ring Long Land, 1 episode of Jaya.


Something similar seems to be going on with Enies Lobby. My arc has all the episodes of Enies Lobby and then instead of having another arc for Post-Enies Lobby, all the Post-Enies Lobby episodes are just listed under Enies Lobby starting after the last episode of that arc.


I'm not sure if I did something with my naming or if this is a bug in the plugin. I do wonder if with my previous file naming the same thing was happening. In fact it probably was. My next up episode in Jellyfin has been the first episode of Long Ring Long Land since I finished Arabasta. I would not be surprised if my Enies Lobby was previously messed up like this as well but I just never noticed because it was far enough ahead in the show and I never paid close enough attention.

mzrimsek commented 6 months ago

I'm not sure what changed but on a whim today I decided to reload all the metadata for One Pace and it seems to have fixed itself? I didn't change anything since last I commented here so genuinely not sure what changed but I'm not gonna argue with it!

Thanks again for making this wonderful Jellyfin plugin!

jwueller commented 6 months ago

I was trying to reproduce this and failed, so maybe this was just Jellyfin keeping some old data around after all. Thanks for your testing and feedback! Please feel free to reopen this if you encounter the issue again!

mzrimsek commented 6 months ago

I appreciate you looking into it for me even if it was a wild goose chase!