Open jwvanderbeck opened 8 years ago
Framing camera Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer Source:
Solar Wind Electron Analyzer (SWEA) Solar Wind Ion Analyzer (SWIA) Suprathermal and Thermal Ion Composition (STATIC) Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) Langmuir Probe and Waves (LPW) Extreme Ultraviolet Monitor (EUV) Magnetometer (MAG) Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph (IUVS) The Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) Source: Object D (Sputnik 3)
A total of 12 scientific instruments would be carried onboard for:
Also, the decay rate of any body placed in orbit gives you a crude measurement of atmospheric density.
I saw an excellent list of the actual instrument names a few days ago, don't know why I can't fine it right now again... Micrometeroite sensors, ZnS Flouroscope, Fluxgate Magnetometer, Ionization Vacuum Gauge, Magnetic Vacuum Gauge, Electrometer, Mass Spectrometer, Cherenkov Heavy-Nuclei Counter, Gas Discharge Counter, NaI Scintillation Counter Luna 1 mariner 1+2 Cosmic Ray Detector 1200g 0.3W 1x Ion Chamber, 2x Geiger Micrometeorite 840g 0.1W Microphone on metal plate IR radiometer 1200g 2.4W 2x IR camera, one for object, other for background. Remote temp sensor and (on venus) CO2 concentration in Atmo Magnetometer 2177g 6.0W requires outrigger... Particle Det 60g 0.3W another geiger counter, high-energy Microwave Radiometer 9940g 4.0W measuring 2 wavelengths looking for water Orbital Perturbation ----- trackign by ground station
Mariner 3+4
Helium Magnetometer 2490g 7.3W
TV 5120g 9.0W very low-res; first pics from another planet
Plasma Probe 2910g 2.7W
Cosmic Ray ?Telescope? 5720g 0.6W three detectors with different coatings, registering particles 1.2-15MeV, 15-70MeV, >70MeV
Cosmic Ray 4 geiger tubes, 2 silicium plates measuring particles <11MeV
High-poer cosmic ray geiger counter >500MeV
Micrometeorite/Dust detector impacts on a metal plate (bimetal deformation & microphone)
Radio Science weighing Mars by doppler effect, effect of atmosphere on signal
Looking to collect a massive list of all the different science instruments that one might want to use!