jwwangchn / BONAI

Official code for "Learning to Extract Building Footprints from Off-Nadir Aerial Images"
MIT License
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Environment #5

Open LIYangggggg opened 2 years ago

LIYangggggg commented 2 years ago

When I want to run train.py in the tools directory, it prompts me that mmcv=1.0.5 is required. Does the training of this program only work in this environment?

LIYangggggg commented 2 years ago

What's more, is there a trained model for us to test? Thanks

tcourat commented 1 year ago

When I want to run train.py in the tools directory, it prompts me that mmcv=1.0.5 is required. Does the training of this program only work in this environment?

I had the same issue. I changed the line mmcv_maximum_version = '1.0.5' to mmcv_maximum_version = '1.7.0' (1.7.0 is my version) in ./mmdet/init.py

and I am now able do the training of the model with ./tools/train.py. However I do not know is this breaks something in the code, I did not tested everything.

LIYangggggg commented 1 year ago

You need change your environment to mmcv='1.0.5', so that you can run ./tools/train.py like me

likaiucas commented 1 year ago

when install this project, we should run "pip install -e ." in an mmdetection download from openmmlab or in this repo "BONAI"? COZ, my device is 3090, it only supports CUDA>=11.1, But this code is edited from mmdetection=2.3.0 which need pytorch<=1.5