jwyatt1999 / CITS3403_Cartographers

CITS3403 Project - Josh Wyatt & Joo Kai Tay
0 stars 1 forks source link

User Story 9: As an administrator I can upload new puzzles without crashing the app so that ... #10

Closed jwyatt1999 closed 2 years ago

jwyatt1999 commented 2 years ago

Total Remaining: 0.1 days

jwyatt1999 commented 2 years ago

Figure out how to push changes to the deployed website without wiping the database has been achieved with the database migration to PostreSQL: https://github.com/jwyatt1999/CITS3403_Cartographers/commit/96bf872f4b878e6e86563d32e0caffb2ec91733e

jwyatt1999 commented 2 years ago

Back-end unit tests implemented with PR: https://github.com/jwyatt1999/CITS3403_Cartographers/pull/32

jwyatt1999 commented 2 years ago

Front-end unit tests implemented with PR: https://github.com/jwyatt1999/CITS3403_Cartographers/pull/33

jwyatt1999 commented 2 years ago

GitHub readme updated with PR: https://github.com/jwyatt1999/CITS3403_Cartographers/pull/34