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Data Journalism Syllabus #17

Open pinardag opened 6 years ago

pinardag commented 6 years ago

Data Journalism Syllabus: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yIeUNOGHH7xOY-sNuXG7vKAokJUsQRDUspWHFmI9nk4/edit

DATA JOURNALISM Undergraduate-Graduate Modul Program Pınar Dağ - https://khas.academia.edu/pinardag

The aim of the course The Data Journalism) course will present fundamentals of open /data collecting, gathering, cleaning, analysis, visualisation process and understanding FOIA. Data skills are getting more important to affect data driven works for media industry. In the developing Internet world; to understand and figure out how database journalism turns to data journalism; and as the future of journalism, to teach with open data disciplines how data became a strong role in transferring more efficient growing online resources, tools, and techniques. This course will also address common pitfalls in misinterpreting data.

Course Content How Data is Used for Public Interest Stories How to Find a Story in Data Sector-Specific Data Stories Common Data Formats Finding Data Online Finding Open Data Alternative Data Sources (FOI) Planning a Data Story Enriching Stories With Data Analyzing Fact Sheets Organizing Data Verifying Data Summarizing and Simplifying Data Insights Essential Statistics Evaluating Data Interpretation Data Privacy Purpose of Data Visualization Matching Data and Graph Types Design and Color Basics Map Theory Ethics of Data Visualization Visual Storytelling Reaching your Audience Data Driven Interviews Anatomy of a Data Story Data-Driven Leads Data-Driven Writing Scraping Excel 1,2,3,4,5,6 Cleaning Visualization 1,2 Visualization 3 Tableau Mapping CARTO 2 Tableau Dashboards 1

Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit Understand the history, current practice and likely impact of data journalism. Demonstrate the skills involved in accessing, analysing and curating data from publicly available sources, data collection. Work efficiently in teams and newsroom environments to produce data journalism packages. Demonstrate editing and production skills, online web tools, understanding technologies available to create online, interactive data-driven stories. Design basics, effective visual communication, and data visualisation. Understanding the development process for creating data stories and dealing with messy data. Freedom of Information Request and Understanding the Open Data. Learning techniques for Verification of Digital Content.Making Open Data Creation Practice. Understanding how to use Social Media Data and Analysis & Technical Development. Learning Extended Search Techniques during the solo and group projects.

Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods:

Weekly course reading materials, use and try the tools before lecture and homework linked group, and solo projects practice and quizzes.

Course Sources / Sites / Books:

Open Data Institute / http://theodi.org/ School of Data / http://schoolofdata.org/ Getting Started with Data Journalism /Writing data stories in any size newsroom /by Claire Miller/https://leanpub.com/datajournalism Data Journalism HandBook /Edited by Jonathan Gray,Lilliona Bounegry and Lucy Chambers /http://datajournalismhandbook.org/ Data Journalism Heist /by Paul Bradshawhttps://leanpub.com/DataJournalismHeist Gazeteciliğin Geleceği:Veri Gazeteciliği-Pınar Dağ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ueHNSvev8C5FRf9c-wwfoTrdbTLfrRPYakpphCOj2Ig/edit Finding Stories in Spreadsheets https://leanpub.com/spreadsheetstories Tüm Boyutlarıyla İnternet Haberciliği http://www.verigazeteciligi.com/verigazeteciligi-bolumunun-de-yer-aldigi-tum-boyutlariyla-internet-haberciligi-kitabi-cikti/ AVVG http://www.avvg.org.tr/yazilar/94-acik-veri-ve-veri-okuryazarligi-egitimleri%C2%A0herkesin-erisimine-acildi.html Data Journalism: Inside the global future http://www.slideshare.net/mrdamian/data-journalism-inside-the-global-future https://www.amazon.co.uk/d/Books/Data-Journalism-Inside-global-future-Tom-Felle/1845496639 Data Journalism: Mapping the Future http://www.abramis.co.uk/books/bookdetails.php?id=184549616 Scraping for Journalists https://leanpub.com/scrapingforjournalists NUMBERS IN THE NEWSROOM: USING MATH AND STATISTICS IN NEWS, SECOND EDITION, E-VERSION http://store.ire.org/products/numbers-in-the-newsroom-using-math-and-statistics-in-news-second-edition-e-version https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1O73PPejZOwN6WRehN-pH2IWAdoYfx4iCgOLQBJdj3Gg/edit#slide=id.g1b7278b63f_0_96

Tools used Excel Import.io / Web Scraper Tabula Google Fusion tables Google Spreadsheet Charts Infogr.am R OpenRefine Tableau Public Google Drive Openoffice Adobe Reader http://blog.cartodb.com/

Grading Attendance / Participation 20% Practice/Exercise 10% Project (Assignment) 20% Homework Assignments 15% Extra-Class Activities (Reading, Individual Work, etc.) 15% Final Exam 20% Grade is determined by participation, completion of all solo homework assignments & completion of the two major team assignments. Assignments will be evaluated in terms of use of data, online web tools, story,context,design. Grades for each major assignment are further broken down as follows: Pitch (25%) Storyboard (12.5%) Draft (25%) Final (25%) Revision (12.5%)

Course Schedule

Week | Theme | Info Modul 1 | Basic Data Concepts Lesson 1: What is data, what are types Lesson 2: International Data Lesson 3: National Data Lesson 4: Civil Data: Social Media Lesson 5: Case Studies: Turkey Lesson 6: Example: Tips & Tools | Introductions Read this piece: http://www.holovaty.com/writing/fundamental-change/Github.Spreadsheets, part 1: Structuring your data. Why it matters

Modul2 | Data Research Techniques Lesson 1: Effective Data Research Methods Lesson 2: Data Collection and Validation Methods Lesson 3: Working with the "Data Biography" Template Lesson 4: Importance of data filtering skill from the databases (Exercise) |Making research practice according to data formats before lesson

Modul 3 | Data Cleaning Lesson 1: Data Cleaning and Ethics Lesson 2: Definition of Messy Data Lesson 3: Messy Data Cleaning with Open Refine Lesson 4: Using GithubLesson 5: Uploading data into Github (Exercise) | Open refine, read http://kwantu.net/blog/2016/12/28/how-to-clean-up-messy-data-using-open-refine

Modul 4 | Data Literacy, MetaData, Open Data Lesson 1: What is Open Data Lesson 2: What is Open Gov. Data Lesson 3: Open Data Index Lesson 4: Open Data Practice: Turkey Lesson 5: Data Literacy , who is data literate? Lesson 6: How metadata should be? Exercise | Open Your Data opendatahandbook.org/guide/en/ http://opendefinition.org/www.avvg.org.tr

Modul 5 | Effective Utilization Methods from FOIA Lesson1:What is FOIA? How it is working in Turkey? And globe? Lesson2: Shared data types and formats from FOIA ( CSV focued) Lesson3:FOI tools and sample reviewsLesson4:Making FOI request (Exercise) https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/https://www.bimer.gov.tr/

Modul6 | Thinking Like a Data Journalist Lesson 1: What is Data Journalism Lesson 2: Who Should Be a Data Journalist? Lesson 3: Data Journalism Sites and Data Journalists Lesson 4: Examples | Award-winning Data Journalism Projects (Exercise) https://www.datajournalismawards.org/

Modul7 | What is Good / Bad Data Lesson 1: Reviewing and Creating Data Sets Lesson 2: Building Good Data Lesson 3: Bad Data Set Review and importance of structured data Assignment |Please structure your data (Exercise) https://github.com/Quartz/bad-data-guide

Modul8 | Data Analysis and Interpretation Lesson 1:Data Analysis by using Excel and PivotTable Lesson 2: Data Scraping from PDF and Web Assignment|Analyze Your data (Exercise) | http://tabula.technology/ https://data-miner.io/ http://www.firstpythonnotebook.org/prerequisites/cli.html

Modul9 | Statistics for Journalists Lesson 1:Basic Statistics for Everyone Lesson 2: Measuring Central Tendency Lesson 3: Distribution / Measuring Differentiation Lesson 4: Basic Statistics and Practices in Excel (Exercise) http://journalistsresource.org/tip-sheets/research/statistics-for-journalists www.avvg.org.tr

Modul10 | Data Visualization Principles Lesson 1: How to Visualize DataLesson Lesson 2: Data Visualization RulesLesson Lesson 3: Data Visualization Elements Lesson 4: Data Visualization Color Lesson 5: Matching Data and Graph Types Lesson 6: Design and Color Basics Lesson 7: Map Theory Lesson:8 Ethics of Data Visualization (Exercise) | https://www.fusioncharts.com/whitepapers/downloads/Principles-of-Data-Visualization.pdfhttp://paldhous.github.io/ucb/2016/dataviz/week2.htmlhttps://datavizcatalogue.com/www.avvg.org.tr

Modul11 | Data Visualization Lesson 1: Purpose of Data Visualization Lesson 2: Using spreadsheet for making graphics (Line, Bar, Pie-Population Pyramid) Lesson 3: GIS, Mapping with Fusion TableLesson 3: Techniques for Creating Effective Infographics Assignment | Visualize your data (Exercise) http://www.creativebloq.com/design-tools/data-visualization-712402

Modul12 | R for Data Journalism Lesson 1- Introduction to R Lesson 2-RStudio program setup Lesson 3: Data visualization examples with R (Exercise) | https://rddj.info/

Modul13 | Story Telling with Data Lesson 1: Using Data for breaking news Lesson 2: Story Telling with Data Lesson 3: Visual Storytelling Lesson 4: Reaching your Audience Lesson 5: Data Driven Interviews Lesson 6: Anatomy of a Data Story, Data-Driven Leads, Data-Driven Writing (Exercise) https://www.journalism.co.uk/news/-nicar2016-3-tips-for-using-data-for-breaking-news/s2/a618607/

Modul14 | WORKING ON FINAL PROJECT &CLASS PRESENTS FINAL PROJECT http://www.verigazeteciligi.com/?s=solo+project

Modul15 | FINAL EXAM |