jwzimmer-zz / tv-tropening

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Ideas for POCS final project pieces #14

Open jwzimmer-zz opened 2 years ago

jwzimmer-zz commented 2 years ago

Goal: do things that capitalize on Denis and Tyler's skills while they're available : ) <3


jwzimmer-zz commented 2 years ago

Instructions for Denis & Tyler

jwzimmer-zz commented 2 years ago

Current thoughts on project options

More nebulous ideas

I think it would be really cool to translate some literary analysis into something we can look at in character space. For example, in an ideal world, the storyverses would include a bunch of really old Germanic and English texts so we could verify the influence of epics on Tolkien's writing, by seeing if the characters reflect the same locations in PDS space (for example, there's a source in my draft that references specific traits of what Tolkien thought of as "true heroism"... that might be the kind of thing we could find some support for in character space). However I don't think any of the relevant texts are in our dataset... one thing we might do is try to come up with something like this we could check. We might be able to see if works from the same time period or within the same author tend to surface the same sets of traits for their characters?

Related to this: I really like this idea of "translating" the main dimensions we have found from the whole data set into trait adjectives specific to an author, time period, or genre. What I mean is, we know what traits best describe those dimensions over all of the storyverses in the data set, but if we restricted the matrix only to works by a certain author, and then ran SVD, the traits highest in those dimensions would reflect the interpretation of that author. We might need to do some pre-processing like only using the traits their characters scored highest in in the first place, but if the dimensions we're seeing are genuinely universal rather than just arbitrary results from the specific dataset we have, then I think this general concept makes sense.