jwzimmer-zz / tv-tropening

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Saucier self-rating / PDA matrix #19

Open jwzimmer-zz opened 2 years ago

jwzimmer-zz commented 2 years ago

Data: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/GHYMEV

There was missing data, which I filled using the average over the rest of the scores.

First dimension image

Second dimension image

Third dimension image

Fourth dimension image

Fifth dimension image

Sixth dimension image

Seventh dimension image

Eighth dimension image

Ninth dimension image

Tenth dimension image

Eleventh dimension image

Twelfth dimension image

Thirteenth dimension image

Fourteenth dimension image

Fifteenth dimension image

Sixteenth dimension image

Seventeenth dimension image

Eighteenth dimension image

Nineteenth dimension image

Twentieth dimension image

The sigma values image

First 20 sigma values image

First 10 sigma values image

So they drop off quickly!

The first 3 columns of U image

The first 3 columns of U for the first 20 terms image

To reproduce: Download the file as .tab from https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/GHYMEV and load it as a dataframe: trysauce = pd.read_csv("525_PDA-1.tab",sep="\t") Drop the column that has the IDs of the participants: trysauce2 = trysauce.drop('ID',axis=1) Subtract the mean: trysauce3 = trysauce2 - trysauce2.mean().mean() Find missing values: trysauce3.isnull().any() Fill missing values with the mean *note: I should have used the new mean after the mean was removed instead of the original mean: trysauce4 = trysauce3.fillna(trysauce2.mean().mean()) Run SVD: t3df, t3u, t3d, t3v, t3sig, t3x, t3remakex = runSVD(trysauce4)

The mean of the df after the original mean was removed:

m = trysauce3.mean().mean() = -9.42272714880909e-15
trysauce5 = trysauce3.fillna(m)
t3df, t3u, t3d,  t3v, t3sig, t3x, t3remakex = runSVD(trysauce5)

Rerunning SVD using that value doesn't really seem to make any difference (yay), so I'm not going to redo everything: image image

jwzimmer-zz commented 2 years ago

To do: