jwzimmer-zz / tv-tropes

UVM Stat 287 Final Project repo - network of tropes from TV Tropes wiki
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What community detection methods do we care about? #21

Closed jwzimmer-zz closed 3 years ago

jwzimmer-zz commented 3 years ago

I'm looking at the options available in https://networkx.org/documentation/stable/reference/algorithms/community.html...

jwzimmer-zz commented 3 years ago

TL;DR I think we should use the following community detection strategies:

That means in networkx our options are:

jwzimmer-zz commented 3 years ago

@nguyenhphilip can you look this over and let me know your opinion?

jwzimmer-zz commented 3 years ago

Ok, great, got affirmation for this plan from Phil, so I'll close this case as resolved! 👍

nguyenhphilip commented 3 years ago

Just watched some videos on these methods and agree that these three methods (k-clique, modularity optimization, Girvan-Newman edge betweenness) look good!

It seems like we should just try running them on our masterlist and seeing what pops out. K-clique seems like it will give us larger but fewer communities, which would be nice for visualization. I suspect these may take awhile to run, so I will start trying to implement them this week.

jwzimmer-zz commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately we're both running into prohibitively slow runtimes - how can we make the network smaller?

jwzimmer-zz commented 3 years ago

maybe we only care about very different indices, since the indices that have almost everything in common are almost the same?