jxjo / Xoptfoil-JX

Xoptfoil-JX - modified version
GNU General Public License v3.0
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XFoil_Worker: extend max. number of characters for command-line arguments #21

Closed Matthias231 closed 4 years ago

Matthias231 commented 4 years ago

Please extend the maximum possible number of characters per argument from 80 (?) to 255. This will be necessary for call of XFoil_worker from strak_machineV2.py

jxjo commented 4 years ago

... this is crazy! ;-) Is it because of subdirectories? Better have an additional arugment to set a (working) directory?

Matthias231 commented 4 years ago

Yes, that's exactly the reason.

Yes, an additional argument to set a working directory would be a good idea and also would solve other potential problems.

In my case it would completely solve the problem, but the working-directory in my special case needs 77 characters and so is very close to the limit.

So I if it is possible to implement an additional argument with more that 80 characters I would suggest to use 255 characters to have some space for the future

jxjo commented 4 years ago

ok! Which option should use this working directory? -i input file -a airfoil -o output file prefix The polars are already generated in the subdirectory _polars. Would it be "doppel gemoppelt" ;-) ?

Matthias231 commented 4 years ago


Matthias231 commented 4 years ago

Hi, just pulled the repo, works fine now!

jxjo commented 4 years ago

.. I'll close this issue. Let's see if we still need the working dir.