jy-yuan / KIVI

KIVI: A Tuning-Free Asymmetric 2bit Quantization for KV Cache
MIT License
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An error occurred while using "evaluate. load (" act_match ")" #12

Closed Felixvillas closed 5 days ago

Felixvillas commented 2 weeks ago

When I take the LMEval test in LMEval branch, as bash scripts/lmeval_test.sh 0 2 2 32 128 coqa "meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf" I get the error: FileNotFoundError: Couldn't find a module script at /workspace/KIVI/exact_match/exact_match.py. Module 'exact_match' doesn't exist on the Hugging Face Hub either.

How can I solve it?

Felixvillas commented 1 week ago

ok, I've solved it.The occurrence of this problem is caused by my failure to properly configure the Conda environment.