jyaacoub / MutDTA

Improving the precision oncology pipeline by providing binding affinity purtubations predictions on a pirori identified cancer driver genes.
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Distribution level analysis for TCGA with mapped prots #111

Open jyaacoub opened 1 week ago

jyaacoub commented 1 week ago


Test set level table

Gene level cancer type heatmap

patient specific bar graph stratified by cancer type:

jyaacoub commented 1 week ago

Relevant columns from TCGA MAF:

Mapping barcode to TCGA project can be done with tcga_code_tables

jyaacoub commented 1 week ago

Adding Study Abbreviation (Cancer Type) to MAF from Tumor_Sample_Barcode

with https://gdc.cancer.gov/system/files/public/file/tcga_code_tables.zip

This was using the wrong MAF file (see https://github.com/jyaacoub/MutDTA/issues/111#issuecomment-2195617311 below), removed for brevity, details show previous output:


```python #%% 1.Gather data for davis,kiba and pdbbind datasets import os import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from src.analysis.utils import combine_dataset_pids from src import config as cfg df_prots = pd.read_csv('../data/test_prots.csv') #%% 2. Load TCGA data df_tcga = pd.read_csv('../data/TCGA_ALL.maf', sep='\t') #%% 3. Pre filtering df_tcga = df_tcga[df_tcga['Variant_Classification'] == 'Missense_Mutation'] df_tcga['seq_len'] = pd.to_numeric(df_tcga['Protein_position'].str.split('/').str[1]) df_tcga = df_tcga[df_tcga['seq_len'] < 5000] df_tcga['seq_len'].plot.hist(bins=100, title="sequence length histogram capped at 5K") plt.show() df_tcga = df_tcga[df_tcga['seq_len'] < 1200] df_tcga['seq_len'].plot.hist(bins=100, title="sequence length after capped at 1.2K") #%% 4. Merging df_prots with TCGA df_tcga['uniprot'] = df_tcga['SWISSPROT'].str.split('.').str[0] dfm = df_tcga.merge(df_prots[df_prots.db != 'davis'], left_on='uniprot', right_on='prot_id', how='inner') # for davis we have to merge on HUGO_SYMBOLS dfm_davis = df_tcga.merge(df_prots[df_prots.db == 'davis'], left_on='Hugo_Symbol', right_on='prot_id', how='inner') dfm = pd.concat([dfm,dfm_davis], axis=0) del dfm_davis # to save mem #%% tcga_tss = pd.read_csv('../data/tcga_code_tables/tissueSourceSite.tsv', sep='\t') tcga_bcr = pd.read_csv('../data/tcga_code_tables/bcrBatchCode.tsv', sep='\t') tcga_codes = tcga_tss.merge(tcga_bcr.drop_duplicates(subset='Study Name'), on='Study Name', how='left') tcga_codes = tcga_codes[['TSS Code', 'Study Abbreviation']] #%% # get second id to match with TSS code for cancer type dfm['TSS Code'] = dfm['Tumor_Sample_Barcode'].str.split('-').str[1] dfm = dfm.merge(tcga_codes, on='TSS Code', how='left') ``` ## For ALL prots - BindingDB we have the following counts for each cancer type: ![image](https://github.com/jyaacoub/MutDTA/assets/50300488/50fdb109-41fc-4a26-9ec0-37502c407e82) ## With BindingDB:

Code to add BindingDB entries to **all_prots**

```python #%% import pandas as pd adf = pd.read_csv(f'../data/all_prots.csv') adf.drop(columns=['db_idx','prot_seq', 'seq_len'], inplace=True) # %% BindingDB: from tdc.multi_pred import DTI # data = DTI(name = 'BindingDB_Ki') # data = DTI(name = 'BindingDB_IC50') data = DTI(name = 'BindingDB_Kd') bdf = data.get_data() bdf = bdf[['Target_ID']] bdf.dropna(subset='Target_ID', inplace=True) bdf.drop_duplicates(subset='Target_ID', inplace=True) bdf['db'] = 'BindingDB' bdf['code'] = None bdf.rename(columns={'Target_ID': 'prot_id'}, inplace=True) bdf = bdf[['db', 'code', 'prot_id']] # just reordering, not really neccessary # %% Combinging all 4 datasets adf = pd.concat([adf, bdf]) adf.to_csv('../data/all_prots_bindingdb.csv', index=False) ```

Code for matching (same but uses bindingdb csv)

```python #%% 1.Gather data for davis,kiba and pdbbind datasets import os import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from src.analysis.utils import combine_dataset_pids from src import config as cfg df_prots = pd.read_csv('../data/all_prots_bindingdb.csv') #%% 2. Load TCGA data df_tcga = pd.read_csv('../data/TCGA_ALL.maf', sep='\t') #%% 3. Pre filtering df_tcga = df_tcga[df_tcga['Variant_Classification'] == 'Missense_Mutation'] df_tcga['seq_len'] = pd.to_numeric(df_tcga['Protein_position'].str.split('/').str[1]) df_tcga = df_tcga[df_tcga['seq_len'] < 5000] df_tcga['seq_len'].plot.hist(bins=100, title="sequence length histogram capped at 5K") plt.show() df_tcga = df_tcga[df_tcga['seq_len'] < 1200] df_tcga['seq_len'].plot.hist(bins=100, title="sequence length after capped at 1.2K") #%% 4. Merging df_prots with TCGA df_tcga['uniprot'] = df_tcga['SWISSPROT'].str.split('.').str[0] dfm = df_tcga.merge(df_prots[df_prots.db != 'davis'], left_on='uniprot', right_on='prot_id', how='inner') # for davis we have to merge on HUGO_SYMBOLS dfm_davis = df_tcga.merge(df_prots[df_prots.db == 'davis'], left_on='Hugo_Symbol', right_on='prot_id', how='inner') dfm = pd.concat([dfm,dfm_davis], axis=0) del dfm_davis # to save mem #%% tcga_tss = pd.read_csv('../data/tcga_code_tables/tissueSourceSite.tsv', sep='\t') tcga_bcr = pd.read_csv('../data/tcga_code_tables/bcrBatchCode.tsv', sep='\t') tcga_codes = tcga_tss.merge(tcga_bcr.drop_duplicates(subset='Study Name'), on='Study Name', how='left') tcga_codes = tcga_codes[['TSS Code', 'Study Abbreviation']] #%% dfm['TSS Code'] = dfm['Tumor_Sample_Barcode'].str.split('-').str[1] # get second id to match with TSS code for cancer type dfm = dfm.merge(tcga_codes, on='TSS Code', how='left') ```

![image](https://github.com/jyaacoub/MutDTA/assets/50300488/18f52709-e5ad-45de-9a78-a2429f4936a9) ## For the test set: ![image](https://github.com/jyaacoub/MutDTA/assets/50300488/1061d6c5-305f-415e-be68-69cbee3b784e)

jyaacoub commented 1 day ago

Using the right MAF file

Above results was with the incomplete MAF file and the actual MAF file (that TCGAbiolinks also uses; as per their docs) can be retrieved from https://gdc.cancer.gov/about-data/publications/mc3-2017.

General stats for this MAF file are:


```python #%% 1.Gather data for davis,kiba and pdbbind datasets import os import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from src.analysis.utils import combine_dataset_pids from src import config as cfg ROOT_DIR = "../downloads" merge_by_prot_id = False # making sure NA doesnt get dropped due to pandas parsing it as NaN tcga_tss = pd.read_csv(f'{ROOT_DIR}/tcga_code_tables/tissueSourceSite.tsv', sep='\t', keep_default_na=False, na_values=['-1.#IND', '1.#QNAN', '1.#IND', '-1.#QNAN', '#N/A N/A', '#N/A', 'N/A', 'n/a','', '#NA', 'NULL', 'null', 'NaN', '-NaN', 'nan', '-nan', '']) tcga_tss['Study Name'] = tcga_tss['Study Name'].str.strip() tcga_bcr = pd.read_csv(f'{ROOT_DIR}/tcga_code_tables/bcrBatchCode.tsv', sep='\t', keep_default_na=False, na_values=['-1.#IND', '1.#QNAN', '1.#IND', '-1.#QNAN', '#N/A N/A', '#N/A', 'N/A', 'n/a','', '#NA', 'NULL', 'null', 'NaN', '-NaN', 'nan', '-nan', '']) tcga_codes = tcga_tss.merge(tcga_bcr.drop_duplicates(subset='Study Name'), on='Study Name', how='left') tcga_codes = tcga_codes[['TSS Code', 'Study Abbreviation']] #%% Load up db df_tcga = pd.read_csv(f'/cluster/home/t122995uhn/projects/data/tcga/mc3/mc3.v0.2.8.PUBLIC.maf', sep='\t', na_filter=False) df_tcga = df_tcga[['Tumor_Sample_Barcode', 'Hugo_Symbol', 'SWISSPROT', 'Variant_Type', 'Variant_Classification']] df_tcga['case'] = df_tcga['Tumor_Sample_Barcode'].str[:12] df_tcga['uniprot'] = df_tcga['SWISSPROT'].str.split('_').str[0] # merge with tcga codes # Using second id to match with TSS code for cancer type df_tcga['TSS Code'] = df_tcga['Tumor_Sample_Barcode'].str.split('-').str[1] df_tcga = df_tcga.merge(tcga_codes, on='TSS Code', how='left') # 3. Drop duplicates df_tcga_uni=df_tcga.drop_duplicates(subset='Tumor_Sample_Barcode') print(len(df_tcga_uni)) print(df_tcga_uni['Study Abbreviation'].value_counts()) ```

Filter out for only test set prots (with BindingDB):


```python #%% 4. Merging df_prots with TCGA df_prots = pd.read_csv(f'{ROOT_DIR}/test_prots_gene_names.csv') # df_prots = df_prots[df_prots.db != 'BindingDB'] if merge_by_prot_id: dfm = df_tcga.merge(df_prots[df_prots.db != 'davis'], left_on='uniprot', right_on='prot_id', how='inner') # for davis we have to merge on HUGO_SYMBOLS dfm_davis = df_tcga.merge(df_prots[df_prots.db == 'davis'], left_on='Hugo_Symbol', right_on='prot_id', how='inner') dfm = pd.concat([dfm,dfm_davis], axis=0) del dfm_davis # to save mem else: # merge by gene name dfm = df_tcga.merge(df_prots, left_on='Hugo_Symbol', right_on='gene_name', how='inner') #%% dfm_uni = dfm.drop_duplicates('case') print('Total # of cases:', len(dfm_uni)) print('Total # of rows:',len(dfm)) print('######','Cancer Types:', "######") print(dfm_uni['Study Abbreviation'].value_counts()) print('######','Variants:', "######") print(dfm_uni['Variant_Classification'].value_counts()) ```