jyaacoub / MutDTA

Improving the precision oncology pipeline by providing binding affinity purtubations predictions on a pirori identified cancer driver genes.
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Analysis of Protein cluster model differences #57 #69

Closed jyaacoub closed 5 months ago

jyaacoub commented 6 months ago

davis has list of kinase groups in the supplementary table 1

Davis dataset:

Plotting MSE vs MSE of DG and EDI on davis dataset shows which clusters perform better with EDI than with DG.

RAW MSE for each cluster (5 per cluster for each of the 5 training folds)


Mean MSE for each cluster (mean of the 5 folds)


Clusters below the line indicate better performance in DG, and clusters above the line perform better with EDI. As we expect, the majority of the clusters are above the line, which agrees with our observation that EDI performs better.


# %%
from src.utils.mmseq2 import MMseq2Runner
from src.data_analysis.stratify_protein import map_davis_to_kinbase
import pandas as pd 
import os

DATASET = 'pdbbind'
DATASET = 'kiba'
DATASET = 'davis'

CLUST_OPTION = '4sens_9c_5cov'


## Processing for getting correct paths based on dataset:
if DATASET == 'davis':
    XY_csv_path = f'../data/DavisKibaDataset/{DATASET}/'
elif DATASET == 'pdbbind':
    XY_csv_path = f'../data/PDBbindDataset/'
    raise ValueError('Invalid dataset')

XY_csv_path += '/nomsa_binary_original_binary/full/XY.csv'
clust_dir = f'../data/misc/{DATASET}_clustering'

if DATASET == 'davis':
    # tsvp = f'{clust_dir}//tsvs/davisDB_4sens_198clust.tsv'
    # tsvp = f'{clust_dir}/tsvs/davisDB_4sens_5cov_9c.tsv' # 49 clusters
    tsvp = f'{clust_dir}/tsvs/{DATASET}DB_4sens_9c_5cov.tsv' # 198 clusters
elif DATASET == 'kiba':
    tsvp = f'{clust_dir}/tsvs/{DATASET}DB_4sens_9c_5cov.tsv'
elif DATASET == 'pdbbind':
    tsvp = f'{clust_dir}/tsvs/{DATASET}DB_4sens_9c_5cov.tsv'
    raise ValueError('Invalid dataset')

assert os.path.exists(tsvp), f"TSV file {os.path.basename(tsvp)} does not exist. Please run clustering first."

# %%

# read tsv
df = pd.read_csv(tsvp, sep='\t', header=None)
# rename cols
df.columns = ['rep', 'member']

clusters = df.groupby('rep')['member'].apply(list).to_dict()
print(len(clusters), 'clusters')

# %% group clusters with less than 5 members into one cluster (cluster 0)
clusters_new = {}
for k in clusters.keys():
    if len(clusters[k]) == 0: # remove outlier clusters
        #clusters_new[0] = clusters_new.get(0, []) + clusters[k]
        clusters_new[k] = clusters[k]

clusters = clusters_new

#%% Rename clusters keys to be ints 
clusters = {i: set(clusters[k]) for i, k in enumerate(clusters)}

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np


# %%
# get count of every subgroup
# cols are code,SMILE,prot_seq,pkd,prot_id
df_full = pd.read_csv(XY_csv_path,

prot_counts = df_full.index.value_counts()

cluster_counts = {} # {cluster: count, ...}
for idx in df_full.index:
    for k in clusters.keys():
        if idx in clusters[k]:
            cluster_counts[k] = cluster_counts.get(k, 0) + 1

# %% get subgroup mse
subset = 'test' #'test'
# plot mse vs mse for EDI and DG
model_cluster_mse = {} # {model_type: {cluster: mse, ...}, ...}
for model_type in ['EDI', 'DG']:
    d = DATASET if DATASET != 'pdbbind' else 'PDBbind'
    if model_type == 'EDI':
        model_path = lambda x: f'results/model_media/{subset}_set_pred/EDIM_{d}{x}D_nomsaF_binaryE_48B_0.0001LR_0.4D_2000E_{subset}Pred.csv'
    elif model_type == 'DG':
        model_path = lambda x: f'results/model_media/{subset}_set_pred/DGM_{d}{x}D_nomsaF_binaryE_64B_0.0001LR_0.4D_2000E_{subset}Pred.csv'

    data_clust = {} # {cluster: [mse1, mse2, ...], ...}
    for fold in range(5):
        pred = pd.read_csv(model_path(fold), index_col='name')

        for k in clusters.keys():
            # get mse for cluster
            matched = pred[pred.index.isin(clusters[k])]
            if matched.empty:
            mse = ((matched.pred - matched.actual)**2).mean()

            # add main mse to dict
            data_clust[k] = data_clust.get(k, []) + [mse]

    # merge counts with mse
    model_cluster_mse[model_type] = data_clust.copy()

# %% plot mse vs mse for EDI and DG
# verify that clusters are present in both models
# if not, remove from both
for k in list(model_cluster_mse['EDI'].keys()):
    assert k in model_cluster_mse['DG'], "cluster not in both models, this is likely due to mismatched subsets being used."

x,y,z = [], [], []
for k in model_cluster_mse['EDI'].keys():
    assert len(model_cluster_mse['EDI'][k]) == len(model_cluster_mse['DG'][k]), "Cluster size mismatch. Are you using the same number of folds for both models?"
    if GET_MEAN:
        x += model_cluster_mse['EDI'][k]
        y += model_cluster_mse['DG'][k]
        z += [k]*len(model_cluster_mse['EDI'][k])


sns.scatterplot(x=x, y=y, hue=z, palette='tab20')

# plot line at y=x for reference
plt.plot([0,max(x)], [0,max(x)], color='black', linestyle='--')

plt.xlabel('EDI MSE')
plt.ylabel('DG MSE')
plt.title(f'MSE of clusters for EDI and DG models ({subset} set)')
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)

# %%

Originally posted by @jyaacoub in https://github.com/jyaacoub/MutDTA/issues/57#issuecomment-1861401061

jyaacoub commented 5 months ago

PDBbind test set results

image image image

Kiba test set results

image image image

jyaacoub commented 5 months ago

Duplicate of #57, and has gone stale.