jyaacoub / MutDTA

Improving the precision oncology pipeline by providing binding affinity purtubations predictions on a pirori identified cancer driver genes.
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Using LIME to explain model #83

Closed jyaacoub closed 3 months ago

jyaacoub commented 4 months ago

Because of the nature of our input, using LIME without modifications is impossible since the graph structure requires a custom perturbation function.

An alternative is to focus only on the node features and use those as tabular data to input to the LIME model.

Is there a way we can reduce the number of features with TabularExplainer? or adapt LimeTextExplainer to work with graphs?


Explaination done on DGraphDTA with davis, nomsa, and binary edge weights. The specific instance is for protein ACVR2B binding with CC1=C2C=C(C=CC2=NN1)C3=CC(=CN=C3)OCC(CC4=CC=CC=C4)N image image


# %% Minimal LIME example
from lime.lime_tabular import LimeTabularExplainer
import torch_geometric as torchg
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import torch
import logging

from src.utils.loader import Loader
from src import config as cfg

ckpt_dir = "/cluster/home/t122995uhn/projects/MutDTA/results/model_checkpoints/"
ckpt = f"{ckpt_dir}/ours/DGM_davis0D_nomsaF_binaryE_64B_0.0001LR_0.4D_2000E.model"

loaders = Loader.load_DataLoaders(cfg.DATA_OPT.davis,

# note the distribution of pkd values since we will be using this for min-max normalization
# this is important since LimeTextExplainer only works for classification...
# So we can adjust this to be a classification by applying a threshold for what is considered to be "binding"
xy_p = '/cluster/home/t122995uhn/projects/data/DavisKibaDataset/davis/nomsa_binary_original_binary/full/XY.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(xy_p, index_col=0)

# %% Loading model and checkpoint
mdl = Loader.init_model(cfg.MODEL_OPT.DG, 


# %% Loading full data for explainer "train data"
datasets = Loader.load_datasets(data=cfg.DATA_OPT.davis,

#%% creating "train data" for Explainer model
for i, INSTANCE in enumerate(loaders['test']): 
    if INSTANCE['protein'].x.shape[0] < 1000: break

pnode_INST = INSTANCE['protein'].x
inst_size = pnode_INST.shape[0] * pnode_INST.shape[1]

train_data = None
max_instances = 442 # 442 is the max number of unique pids
seen_pids = set()
for d in datasets['full']._data_pro.values():
    if d.prot_id in seen_pids: continue

    # d.x has the shape of Lx54
    # we will reshape it so that we end up with rows where each row is 
    # the flattened protein node features
    x_flat = d.x.flatten()

    # and cut off any residues past 
    # the length of our instance
    if len(x_flat) < inst_size: continue
    x_flat = x_flat[:inst_size]

    x_flat = x_flat.reshape((1,-1)) # [L*54] -> [1, L*54]

    train_data = torch.cat([train_data, x_flat]) if train_data is not None else x_flat

    if len(seen_pids) >= max_instances:

# train data must be as a simple numpy 2d array
train_data = train_data.numpy()

# %%
exp = LimeTabularExplainer(training_data=train_data, mode="regression")

# %%
from tqdm import tqdm
def predict_fn_tabular(node_feats: list[np.ndarray]):
    print(f'input {type(node_feats)} of len {len(node_feats)}')

    outs = None
    for node_feat in tqdm(node_feats, desc="Running pertubations through model"):
        # Unflattening node_feat
        node_feat = torch.Tensor(node_feat.reshape(pnode_INST.shape))

        # Build graph for model
        protein_graph = torchg.data.Data(x=node_feat,
                                    edge_index=INSTANCE['protein'].edge_index, # reuse same contacts
                                    edge_weight=None) # no edge weights

        ################### Run through model and return output ######################
        # Using CONSTANT ligand graph.
        ligand_graph = INSTANCE['ligand']

        out = mdl(protein_graph, ligand_graph)
        outs = out if outs is None else torch.cat([outs, out])

    print(f'outs {type(outs)} of len {len(outs)}')
    return outs.flatten().detach().numpy()

exp_out = exp.explain_instance(pnode_INST.flatten().numpy(),

# %%
vals = exp_out.as_map()[1] # returned as (feature_id, weight)
# feature_id is just the index position for the instance
vals = sorted(vals, key=lambda x: x[0])
# reshape into the original Lx54 node features
vals = np.array([x[1] for x in vals]).reshape(pnode_INST.shape)

avg_vals = np.mean(vals, axis=1)
max_vals = np.max(vals, axis=1)
min_vals = np.min(vals, axis=1)

#%% Moving average
def moving_average_with_indices(data, window_size):
    if window_size <= 1:
        return data, list(range(len(data)))  # No smoothing needed for window_size 1 or less

    smoothed_data = []
    indices = []
    half_window = window_size // 2

    for i in range(len(data)):
        start = max(i - half_window, 0)
        end = min(i + half_window + 1, len(data))

        window_average = sum(data[start:end]) / (end - start)
        # For indices, use the current index as the center of the window

    return smoothed_data, indices

savg_vals, savg_idxs = moving_average_with_indices(avg_vals, 10)
smax_vals, smax_idxs = moving_average_with_indices(max_vals, 10)
smin_vals, smin_idxs = moving_average_with_indices(min_vals, 10)

# %%
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

idx = list(range(len(avg_vals)))
plt.plot(idx, avg_vals, label='mean')
plt.plot(idx, max_vals, label='max')
plt.plot(idx, min_vals, label='min')
plt.plot(savg_idxs, savg_vals)
plt.plot(smax_idxs, smax_vals)
plt.plot(smin_idxs, smin_vals)
plt.title("Explained values (smoothed=10)")
plt.xlabel('Amino acid index')

# %%
abs_vals = np.max(np.abs(vals), axis=1)
sabs_vals, sabs_idxs = moving_average_with_indices(abs_vals, 10)

plt.plot(idx, abs_vals)
plt.plot(sabs_idxs, sabs_vals)

plt.title("max values after np.absolute (smoothed=10)")
plt.xlabel('Amino acid index')