BotBrew "anise" lives entirely within /data/botbrew and is mounted at /botbrew. Supporting "anise" packages should be as simple as moving it to /data/botbrew-basil/botbrew and continuing to mount it at /botbrew.
With these mounts, "android-native" software should work as usual, both inside the chroot and outside.
As far as packaging is concerned: multiarch support should allow the same libraries to be installed from both Debian and BotBrew, as long as they have different architecture names and install to different locations.
BotBrew "anise" lives entirely within
and is mounted at/botbrew
. Supporting "anise" packages should be as simple as moving it to/data/botbrew-basil/botbrew
and continuing to mount it at/botbrew
.Additional mounts might enhance the experience:
With these mounts, "android-native" software should work as usual, both inside the chroot and outside.
As far as packaging is concerned: multiarch support should allow the same libraries to be installed from both Debian and BotBrew, as long as they have different architecture names and install to different locations.