jyotisham / jyotisha

Python tools for the astronomical / astrological vedAnga of Hindus
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Config file URLs incorrect in ICS? #91

Closed karthikraman closed 3 years ago

karthikraman commented 3 years ago

For example: https://github.com/jyotisham/adyatithi/tree/master/devatA/description_only/Akhuratha-mahAgaNapati%20saGkaTahara-caturthI-vratam.toml should be https://github.com/jyotisham/adyatithi/blob/master/devatA/gaNapati/description_only/Akhuratha-mahAgaNapati%20saGkaTahara-caturthI-vratam.toml?

karthikraman commented 3 years ago

Seems to be an issue for description_only festivals?

vvasuki commented 3 years ago

This is what I got in today's panchaanga channel:

## उत्सवाः
- उन्दु-मदक्कळिऱ्ऱऩ्, आखुरथ-महागणपति सङ्कटहर-चतुर्थी-व्रतम्
### आखुरथ-महागणपति सङ्कटहर-चतुर्थी-व्रतम्

Special vrata day for Ganesha. In this month, Ganesha is worshipped as ākhuratha-mahāgaṇapatiḥ. Fast during the day and pray to Ganesha after moonrise, as follows:

गणाधिपस्त्वं देवेश चतुर्थ्यां पूजितो मया।  
कष्टान्मां मोचयेशान सर्वमिष्टं च देहि मे॥

#### Details
- [Edit config file](https://github.com/jyotisham/adyatithi/tree/master/devatA/gaNapati/description_only/Akhuratha-mahAgaNapati%20saGkaTahara-caturthI-vratam.toml)
- Tags: MonthlyVratam SankataharaChaturthiVratam

IIRC this is generated from the same method. Are you using the same version of the code? http://jyotisham.github.io/jyotisha/output/sahakAra-nagar-bengaLUru/MULTI_NEW_MOON_SIDEREAL_MONTH_ADHIKA__CHITRA_AT_180/gregorian/2000s/2020s/2021.ics also seems fine.

karthikraman commented 3 years ago

It looks like this is introduced because I am picking certain repos as follows:

computation_system.festival_options = FestivalOptions(fest_repos = [RulesRepo(name="general"), RulesRepo(name="gRhya"), RulesRepo(name="tamil"), RulesRepo(name="mahApuruSha/general/lunar_month"), RulesRepo(name="mahApuruSha/general/sidereal_solar_month"), ... , RulesRepo(name="temples"), RulesRepo(name="time_focus")])

When I comment this out and use all festivals, the URLs are correct. Should I alter the above line of code somehow?

vvasuki commented 3 years ago

It looks like this is introduced because I am picking certain repos as follows:

computation_system.festival_options = FestivalOptions(fest_repos = [RulesRepo(name="general"), RulesRepo(name="gRhya"), RulesRepo(name="tamil"), RulesRepo(name="mahApuruSha/general/lunar_month"), RulesRepo(name="mahApuruSha/general/sidereal_solar_month"), ... , RulesRepo(name="temples"), RulesRepo(name="time_focus")])

When I comment this out and use all festivals, the URLs are correct. Should I alter the above line of code somehow?

एतयोर् एतद् एवान्तरम् - https://github.com/jyotisham/jyotisha/blob/a774207bcfcfde1490cc97f46274bfce8763a056/jyotisha/panchaanga/temporal/festival/rules/__init__.py#L263 इत्यस्योपयोगः। तत्र https://github.com/jyotisham/adyatithi/blob/e7fe69fd084cda20d1c2889a0cd25ccd0beb7dd9/repos.toml#L8 इत्यस्माद् यद् RulesRepo जन्यते, RulesRepo(name="general") इत्यस्माच्च यज्जन्यते तयोः कथञ्चिद् अन्तरम् भवति। self.base_url = os.path.join(base_url, name) इत्यत्र कश्चन परिष्कारो ऽपेक्षितो वेति पश्यतु।

karthikraman commented 3 years ago

I had used some parent folders as repos (thought they are not defined in repos.toml) - that was the source of this issue. RulesRepos(name="devatA") works, but in reality, it should be RulesRepo(name="devatA/gaNapati"), RulesRepo(name="devatA/graha"), RulesRepo(name="devatA/kaumAra"), RulesRepo(name="devatA/lakShmI"), RulesRepo(name="devatA/misc-fauna") ...