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गुरु-शुक्र-लोप-गणना #94

Closed vvasuki closed 3 years ago

vvasuki commented 3 years ago

When guru or shukra is near the sun, certain people avoid auspicious events. (This is described in https://hindupad.com/moodami-2012-2013-guru-moodam-shukra-lop-dates/ ). For the benefit of such people, it would be good to calculate and show such periods. What is the rule (angular separation) to be followed? What is the shAstra-pramANa for it?

cc @baskar-yahoo @aupasana @jamadagni

vvasuki commented 3 years ago

dRkpanchAnga site info

For guru

https://www.drikpanchang.com/planet/asta/guru-asta-date-time.html?geoname-id=1264527&year=2021 says:

On this page, we have given date and time of Jupiter combustion. As per Surya Siddhanta approximate timings of Asta and Udaya can be calculated based on angular separation. For Jupiter Lope Surya Siddhanta suggests angular separation of 11° on both sides of the Sun.

However, we have used modern algorithms to precisely predict the time and date of Jupiter combustion based on the location. Combustion timings given on this page are calculated based on geo location of the observer.

It gives the duration as follows:

Jupiter Tara Asta Starts On
January 19, 2021, Tuesday at 06:35 PM

Jupiter Tara Asta Ends On
February 12, 2021, Friday at 05:55 AM

Total Asta Duration = 24 Days

For shukra:

https://www.drikpanchang.com/planet/asta/shukra-asta-date-time.html says

As per Surya Siddhanta approximate timings of Asta and Udaya can be calculated based on angular separation. For Venus Lope Surya Siddhanta suggests angular separation of 10° on both sides of the Sun when Venus is in the forward motion and 8° when Venus is in the retrograde motion. However, we have used modern algorithms to precisely predict the time and date of Venus combustion based on the location. Combustion timings given on this page are calculated based on geo location of the observer.

Venus Tara Asta Starts On
February 24, 2021, Wednesday at 06:06

Venus Tara Asta Ends On
April 16, 2021, Friday at 18:44

Total Asta Duration = 52 Days

Space.com info


The above differ from whatever was presented in https://hindupad.com/moodami-2012-2013-guru-moodam-shukra-lop-dates/ : 14 Feb to 4 May for shukra and 15 Jan to 12 Feb for Guru .

My contact, smt bRndA pointed me to @jamadagni's tamil video, where ("33:35 आरभ्य 37:30 पर्यन्तम् पश्यतु। तमिल भाषायां अस्ति। ") he is said to endorse this practice: "वेद-सम्बन्ध संस्काराः मौढ्य काले न कर्तव्याः इति उक्तवान्। गुरुः - ऋग्वेदः शुक्रः - यजुर्वेदः अङ्गारक - सामवेदः "

The panchaanga he is reading seems to endorse the dates above (rather than the drik panchaanga dates). What is the source of this deviance?

We have enough info thanks to drikpanchAnga to implement this in our calculations. Only missing piece is the shAstra-pramANa (for the niShedhas).

karthikraman commented 3 years ago

माण्डव्यः—नित्ययाने गृहे जीर्णे प्राशनान्तेषु सप्तसु । वधूप्रवेशे माङ्गल्ये न मौढ्यं गुरुशुक्रयोः (निर्णयसिन्धौ)

वसिष्ठः—पापग्रहे-क्षिते लग्ने मौढ्ये च गुरुशुक्रयोः । ऋत्वंते चैव मासांते तिथ्यंते विषनाडिषु । नक्षत्रांते च विष्ट्यां च षडशीतिमुखे तथा । दिनक्षये व्यतीपाते सग्रहे ग्रहपीडिते । शून्यमासदिने राशौ ग्नहदोषसमन्यिते । कालकर्णिकलौ वज्रे विष्कंभे परिघे तथा । मूढे च वैधृतौ चैव कंटके स्थूलकंटके । अष्टम्यां चैव रित्कायां सर्वोत्पातादिदूषिते । उक्तादन्यर्क्षसंयोगे चंद्रे गंडाति- गंडयोः । उडुपक्षीणकाले च वर्जयेदुपनायनम् । (पुरुषार्थचिंतामणौ)

मरीचिः—गृहप्रवेशगोदानसानाश्रममहत्सिवान्। न कुर्यान्मलमासे तु गुरौ शुके तथास्तगे॥ (वैद्यनाथदीक्षितीये श्राद्धकाण्डे)

यन्मलमासे वर्ज्यमुक्त तदुरुशुक्रास्तवाल्पवार्धकेकुवपि ज्ञेयम्॥ तत्रास्तात्प्राक् सप्ताह वार्धकम् उदयानतर सप्ताह बाल्यमिति मध्यमः पक्षः॥ पचदशाहदशाहपचाहत्र्यहादिपक्षा आपदनापदादिविषयतया देशकालविशेषवरतया च योज्याः॥ (धमसिन्धौ)

क्षयमासाधिमासगुरुशुक्रास्तादौ विवाहनिषेधः प्रथमपरिच्छेदे (धमसिन्धौ क्षयपक्षादिविचारे)

(OCR दोषाः भवेयुः)

baskar-yahoo commented 3 years ago

Not 100% sure this is something in practice, specifically whoever follows souramana panchangam.   Still, let us check with experts/practitioners... I've very limited knowledge   On Tuesday, January 5, 2021, 09:37:31 PM EST, Vishvas Vasuki विश्वासः notifications@github.com wrote:

baskar-yahoo commented 3 years ago

This is perfect.  I agree with your 100%.  don't think we need to wait for niShedhas.. at this point.  comments

vvasuki commented 3 years ago

मूढग्रहा अधुना दर्श्यन्ते -https://jyotisham.github.io/jyotisha/output/sahakAra-nagar-bengaLUru/SOLSTICE_POST_DARK_10_ADHIKA__CHITRA_AT_180/gregorian/2000s/2020s/2021/ । तत्रानुसृता नियमा एवम् -

class GrahaLopaMeasures(JsonObject):
  def __init__(self):
    self.graha_id_to_lopa_measure = {
      # For Jupiter Lope Surya Siddhanta suggests angular separation of 11° on both sides of the Sun.
      Graha.JUPITER: 11,
      # Surya Siddhanta suggests angular separation of 10° on both sides of the Sun when Venus is in the forward motion and 8° when Venus is in the retrograde motion.
      Graha.VENUS: 9,
      #  Surya Siddhanta suggests angular separation of 14° on both sides of the Sun when Mercury is in the forward motion and 12° when Mercury is in the retrograde motion.
      Graha.MERCURY: 13,
      # Surya Siddhanta suggests angular separation of 17° on both sides of the Sun.
      Graha.MARS: 17,
      # Surya Siddhanta suggests angular separation of 15° on both sides of the Sun.
      Graha.SATURN: 15,

यथेष्टम् एतत् परिवर्तयितुं शक्यम्। "However, we have used modern algorithms to precisely predict the time and date of Venus combustion based on the location. Combustion timings given on this page are calculated based on geo location of the observer." इति यद् उक्तम् - तत्र किं विधीयमानम् इति तु जिज्ञासे।