jyotisham / jyotisha

Python tools for the astronomical / astrological vedAnga of Hindus
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बुध showing up as बध in telegram. #95

Open vvasuki opened 3 years ago

vvasuki commented 3 years ago

But, it seems fine in the web page (and md) and ICS . Link to telegram post here.


vvasuki commented 3 years ago

The automated action (all steps considered) at https://github.com/jyotisham/jyotisha/runs/1654076298?check_suite_focus=true only updated Chennai mds - https://github.com/jyotisham/jyotisha/commit/3b54d0832c44f94d3a77d50a3441fddaa6d36e6f , but did not update Bengaluru mds.

vvasuki commented 3 years ago

The automated action (all steps considered) at https://github.com/jyotisham/jyotisha/runs/1654076298?check_suite_focus=true only updated Chennai mds - 3b54d08 , but did not update Bengaluru mds.

At least the above problem is sorted out - https://github.com/jyotisham/jyotisha/blob/generated-output/Chennai/MULTI_NEW_MOON_SIDEREAL_MONTH_ADHIKA__CHITRA_AT_180/gregorian/2000s/2020s/2021_monthly/2021-01/2021-01-06.md is generated fine.

The change was this (almost sure, but not quite):

    - name: Deploy md
      uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
        github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        publish_dir: ./hugo-source/content/output
        publish_branch: generated-output
#      uses: s0/git-publish-subdir-action@develop
#      env:
#        REPO: self
#        BRANCH: generated-output
#        FOLDER: ./hugo-source/content/output
#        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
vvasuki commented 3 years ago

Back to the original problem. ## माघः-11-23,कन्या-हस्तः🌛🌌◢◣धनुः-पूर्वाषाढा-09-22🌌🌞◢◣सहस्यः-10-17🪐🌞बुधः was sent, but Telegram receives it as ## माघः-11-23,कन्या-हस्तः🌛🌌◢◣धनुः-पूर्वाषाढा-09-22🌌🌞◢◣सहस्यः-10-17🪐🌞बधः. Weird. Will report it upstream.