jyp / dante

389 stars 52 forks source link

Error while checking syntax automatically: (error "Buffer *dante:<name>::<path>/* has no process") #148

Closed epoberezkin closed 4 years ago

epoberezkin commented 4 years ago

I cannot make dante work... I appreciate any help


(add-to-list 'exec-path "~/.local/bin")

(use-package dante
  :ensure t
  :after haskell-mode
  :commands 'dante-mode
  (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'dante-mode)
  ;; (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)


stack exec -- ghci $@

M-x flycheck-verify-setup

Syntax checkers for buffer <file>.hs in haskell-mode:

    - may enable: yes
    - predicate:  t

    - may enable: yes
    - executable: Found at /usr/local/bin/stack

    - may enable: Automatically disabled!
    - executable: Not found

    - may enable:         yes
    - executable:         Found at /Users/evgeny/.local/bin/hlint
    - configuration file: Not found

Flycheck Mode is enabled.  Use C-u C-c ! x to enable disabled


Flycheck version: 31
Emacs version:    26.3
System:           x86_64-apple-darwin18.2.0
Window system:    ns
epoberezkin commented 4 years ago

Fixed with:

 ;; ...
    ((stack "stack.yaml"
        ("stack" "repl" dante-target))))))

to remove all other methods other than stack.