jyr / MNPP

Mac + Nginx + Percona + PHP a high performance web server in a one-click installer
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Starting mnpp on Mavericks #82

Open victorreyesh opened 10 years ago

victorreyesh commented 10 years ago

Hi guys, first I would like to say great product.

I found an issue

When im running

sudo mnpp start 53

-n Starting php-fpm dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.8.dylib Referenced from: /Applications/MNPP/Library/gd/lib/libgd.2.dylib Reason: image not found /Applications/MNPP/init/php.sh: line 96: 1612 Trace/BPT trap: 5 $php_fpm_BIN $php_opts failed

Starting MySQL (Percona Server) SUCCESS!

greggles commented 10 years ago

If you do a which mnpp what are the results?

Knowing that will help https://github.com/jyr/MNPP/issues/81

greggles commented 10 years ago

Do you have a libjpeg.8.dylib on your system? Knowing that will help to resolve this issue.

I installed php via homebrew and have that file here:

greggles@wally ~/]$ ls -l /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.8.dylib
lrwxr-xr-x  1 greggles  admin  37 Jan  7  2013 /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.8.dylib -> ../Cellar/jpeg/8d/lib/libjpeg.8.dylib
tim-peterson commented 10 years ago

@victorreyesh I just encountered this same error. Can you post your solution?

Edit actually my error is slightly different:

$ sudo mnpp --php53 --start
-n Starting php-fpm 
dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/X11/lib/libfreetype.6.dylib
  Referenced from: /usr/X11/lib/libfontconfig.1.dylib
  Reason: Incompatible library version: libfontconfig.1.dylib requires version 18.0.0 or later, but libfreetype.6.dylib provides version 14.0.0
/Applications/MNPP/init/php.sh: line 95:  1874 Trace/BPT trap: 5       $php_fpm_BIN $php_opts
140815 10:46:25 mysqld_safe Logging to '/Applications/MNPP/logs/mysql_error_log.err'.
140815 10:46:25 mysqld_safe A mysqld process already exists

Note: the MySQL message also appeared on my previous mac and didn't affect MNPP.

tim-peterson commented 10 years ago

I believe issue #28 solves this problem, which it did for me.