jyunlee / InterHandGen

InterHandGen: Two-Hand Interaction Generation via Cascaded Reverse Diffusion (CVPR 2024)
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manolayer about ARCTIC #6

Closed GuanHY closed 5 months ago

GuanHY commented 5 months ago

Hi, @jyunlee! Thank you for sharing your code. I'm trying to use the ARCTIC dataset to visualize hand-object interactions through the differentiable manolayer (https://github.com/hassony2/manopth/blob/master/manopth/manolayer.py), but now I'm encountering some issues. I've noticed that you also use Manolayer, so I'd like to ask for your advice.

I am using the data from arctic_data/data/raw_seqs(https://github.com/zc-alexfan/arctic/blob/master/docs/data/README.md) and extracting hand and object parameters to visualize through manopth, but the hand is always displayed abnormally, and at the same time, the hand and object are intermingling. 7d0f5d2eeb63c8ab956cc64e91d554c

I have been troubled by this question for a long time. I would like to know how you use manolayer to visualize data from ARCTIC ( and which part of the dataset) .or Is it feasible to directly use the manolayer you have written(https://github.com/jyunlee/InterHandGen/blob/main/utils/manolayer.py)?