jywarren / mapknitter

Use Public Lab's MapKnitter to turn your aerial images into projected maps for print and web
GNU General Public License v3.0
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"print this map" service #94

Closed jywarren closed 9 years ago

jywarren commented 12 years ago


jywarren commented 12 years ago




jywarren commented 12 years ago

OK, we could try to prompt people to enter a title, and we could also by default display the longitude/latitude of the map. But otherwise, this seems to be working!

OH, wait - this is related to another issue. The JPEG is unprojected, meaning latitude and longitude are 1:1, which isn't really how the earth is shaped. This makes the maps look "smushed" especially far from the equator. We could set up GDAL to reproject jpgs in spherical mercator...

jywarren commented 12 years ago

still not at 100%, need to make jpg (spherical mercator) output with a white background instead of black. Harder than it looks...

http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/120/make-the-nodata-area-of-a-resampled-orthophoto-overview-white http://www.jasonbirch.com/nodes/2009/08/11/290/fwtools-ftw-gdal/

jywarren commented 12 years ago

See some variations on this here: http://publiclaboratory.org/wiki/gdal-commands

but still haven't figured out how to get a spherical mercator JPG with a white background using only a GDAL or ImageMagick command. Ug.