jywarren / plots

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User Dashboard redesign #123

Open sdosemagen opened 12 years ago

sdosemagen commented 12 years ago

Point: Jeff Team: Shannon, Liz, Sara, Mathew Importance: Medium

User dashboard is not clear - Needs wireframe

jywarren commented 12 years ago

I was browsing the DIYDrones dashboard, and i like the actionable items at the top:


jywarren commented 12 years ago

Next steps:

I really like the action buttons on DIYDrones. Other things I'd like to see:

But how to organize all this? Tabs!!!

jywarren commented 12 years ago

Here's a sketch showing tabs for "Research", "Wiki" and "People" -- the latter being activity by people you've recently interacted with on the site... just brainstorming. A swipe or arrow key interface lets people quickly look over their tabs without making a super long page or crowding the page, and is tablet/laptop compatible.

PLOTS user dashboard sketches

swylie commented 12 years ago

Hey you'll can we add controls on subscriptions to the User dashboard? Matt and I are coming up with ideas for that today, we'll cross post them here.

mathewlippincott commented 12 years ago

the administration of subscriptions should up front on the dashboard, not hidden inside profile: http://publiclaboratory.org/user/8/notifications and instead of a user number, a user name should be in the hyperlink

and the subscriptions should then be not e-mail, but into your dashboard, like another tab similar to jeff's wireframe above.

and anonymous subscriptions should be allowed-- so you have public and private subscriptions... each subscription would say how many people are subscribed and who is publically subscribed.

places that need to be dashboard-subscribable---

on the bottom of notes, next to "notify me when new comments are posted" put "send new comments to my dashboard"

on the bottom of wiki pages-- add "send new edits to my dashboard"

swylie commented 12 years ago

Overall we thought the subscriptions solutions are pretty easy:

  1. just move subscriptions management from the profile to the dashboard, or link to it from the dashboard
  2. Add a feature so you can see who is subscribed to you (consider adding messaging to this--though subscriptions are basically a means of messaging)

For other peoples' profiles:

  1. Make it possible to see who they are subscribed to, so you can learn from them who is involved in what projects.

Tool Pages: Looking at a tool page you should be able to subscribe to all the contributors on a tool and/or the tool tab immediately, Also there should be a way to see who is subscribed to follow a tool even if they aren't contributing.

Duplication of notifications: We should figure out how not to send duplicate alerts when there is a research note that you're subscribed to twice-both the person, place or tool tag for instance.

Consider adding a way to message all of the people subscribed to a tool, or all the people following you.

More adventurous redesign--something like Google+ circles where in your dash board you can see the circles you are actively contributing to in terms of research.

jywarren commented 12 years ago

Will respond more soon (coming back online after an internet-less weekend) but do check out how subscriptions work at FarmHack:

http://www.farmhack.net/comment/266#comment-266 (screenshot below)

FarmHack.net subscriptions interface

jywarren commented 12 years ago

Refined subscriptions seems to be in-depth enough to be it's own issue. Can we fork it off into a separate issue, and deal with overall User Dashboard design here? That could work if Subscriptions is one of the tabs (or boxes) on the Dashboard, and we discuss details about how Subscriptions works in its own issue. +1s?

swylie commented 12 years ago

We've already got a separate fork going on subscriptions: https://github.com/jywarren/plots/issues/122 We're just making sure the stuff relevant to subscription and the dashboard is duplicated here.

jywarren commented 12 years ago

OK cool. Mockup from Balsamiq (https://publiclaboratory.mybalsamiq.com/projects/userdashboards/grid):