jywarren / plots

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Notification of comments on your own research notes #153

Closed jywarren closed 12 years ago

jywarren commented 12 years ago

We have http://drupal.org/project/subscriptions, what about http://drupal.org/project/notifications

Or, could we install http://drupal.org/project/comment_notify on top of subscriptions?

jywarren commented 12 years ago

i'm sorry, it seems we are on notifications, not subscriptions. Oops :-P

jywarren commented 12 years ago

I've installed comment_notify to test it out. It should auto-subscribe authors to their own comment feeds, and offer notifications for anyone who comments

rjcorwin commented 12 years ago

In the 6.x-4.x branch of notifications_extra you'll get an equivalent of the comment_notify functionality except it integrates with the notifications framework. The benefit being that users then don't have to manage two separate subscription UIs. I haven't played around with the subscriptions module much as the notifications module has always had better adoption. A number of major Drupal Install Profiles use notifications so I can't imagine it's a bad choice over subscriptions.

jywarren commented 12 years ago

comment_notify seems to work fine for now. closing and we can revisit if we think we can do better.