jywarren / plots

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Make adding images to wiki page and tool pages easier? #160

Closed swylie closed 12 years ago

swylie commented 12 years ago

I'd like to be able to add an image of the PLOTS tool development diagram to the tool development wiki page: http://publiclaboratory.org/wiki/tool-development-timeline. Currently it seems like you need a flickr account to do this, can we make it easy to add images here in the same way we can with research notes? I think adding the stage of requiring familiarity with not just our site but also flickr is too much of a threshold for anyone but the really web familiar to cross. It also has the knock-on effect of making the pages made by those without Flickr accounts or familiar less attractive.

jywarren commented 12 years ago

Duplicate with #24, please read that and copy over any relevant info to that issue, thanks!