jywarren / plots

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Flash/Javascript and iframes don't display on first save #162

Open jywarren opened 12 years ago

jywarren commented 12 years ago

You must refresh the page. This correlates closely with the yellow "notification" bar being present, so maybe that's causing it...

Likely a JavaScript issue?

jywarren commented 12 years ago

Hmm, promising: http://drupal.org/node/1477260 (Google map iframe embed code fails on node change/save)

jywarren commented 12 years ago

so to be clear here, Drupal seems to be actively filtering out the value of the "src" parameter in iframes, but only just after you save or update a page -- not on any subsequent refresh. Odd.

jywarren commented 12 years ago

OK, spent an hour and a half banging my head on the screen and no progress. Plan B: waiting for some Drupal wizard to come with a nice incantation