jywarren / plots

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print from archive (need white-background JPGs for all maps) #97

Open jywarren opened 12 years ago

jywarren commented 12 years ago

related to MapKnitter issue: https://github.com/jywarren/mapknitter/issues/94

Having some trouble with some; this could be due to incorrect JPGs?

http://publiclaboratory.org/map/foothills-community-park-boulder-colorado/2011-09-10-NRG http://www.zazzle.com/printed_map-228632289886847720


I've got the conversion to mercator working, easy:

gdalwarp -of GTiff -t_srs EPSG:900913 input.tif output.jpg


Do you know how to do it while preserving a white background? We'll need to do that for printing. Right now I'm doing it in ImageMagick, but I don't know the GDAL way... ideas?

gonzoearth commented 12 years ago

I think white is default no? Well at least in Photoshop it is. The archive jpgs were made by me separately, selecting black. If it is white by default I can just reproduce the existing archive jpgs

jywarren commented 12 years ago

pretty up the printing button, make it clearer, and also put a "print" button on list view

gonzoearth commented 12 years ago

thanks, white jpegs are all present except for just a couple recent submissions where it did not come out of the output