jyyulab / SJARACNe

Scalable Tool for Gene Network Reverse Engineering
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Bootstraps terminated by signal: SIGTERM #50

Open luyifei111 opened 3 months ago

luyifei111 commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your great algorithms! When running on large datasets (~300k cells), it seems bootstraps were terminated by signal: SIGTERM after running for some time and permanent fails were reported. I tested my environment by running on testdata and small datastes (~30k cells) which finished perfectly. The log shows as follows:

INFO`` [job bootstrap_17] Max memory used: 96MiB
WARNING [job bootstrap_17] was terminated by signal: SIGTERM
ERROR [job bootstrap_17] Job error:
("Error collecting output for parameter 'out_adj': ../../.conda/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/SJARACNe-0.2.1-py3.8.egg/SJARACNe/cwl/sjaracne.cwl:85:7: Did not find output file with glob pattern: '['TF_run_017.adj']'.", {})
WARNING [job bootstrap_17] completed permanentFail
INFO [job bootstrap_81] /home/NetBID/test/NetBID2_STS_test_2024-05-29/SJAR/tmp/q07t37fr$ sjaracne.exe \

I also tired sample my dataset down to 40% of cells, yet this issue persists. Any suggestions on this issue would be helpful.