jzero-io / jzero

Used to create project from templates and generate Server/Client code by proto and api file.
MIT License
33 stars 2 forks source link

jzero gen --remove-suffix error #23

Closed jaronnie closed 3 weeks ago

jaronnie commented 3 weeks ago
syntax = "proto3";

package hellopb;

import "google/api/annotations.proto";

option go_package = "./pb/hellopb";

message Empty {}

message SayHelloResponse {
      string message = 1;

service hello {
    rpc SayHello(Empty) returns(SayHelloResponse) {
        option (google.api.http) = {
            get: "/api/v1/hello"

service helloV2 {
    rpc SayHelloV2(Empty) returns(SayHelloResponse) {
        option (google.api.http) = {
            get: "/api/v2/hello"


Error: open /Users/jaronnie/Desktop/jaronnie/github/jzero-io/examples/simplegateway/internal/server/hellov2/hellov2.go: no such file or directory

jaronnie commented 3 weeks ago

fix: https://github.com/jzero-io/jzero/commit/84c4779ff9287ca204eb04d44c55e917ca514154