jzhangbs / MVSDF

Learning Signed Distance Field for Multi-view Surface Reconstruction
MIT License
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Custom data training/testing #1

Open mikirui opened 2 years ago

mikirui commented 2 years ago


Are there any guides for custom data training or testing?

I am confused about : 1) the meaning of the last four numbers in the camera files, e.g. the last line "425.0 1.875 256.0 903.125" in data/scan105/cam_00000000_flow3.txt; 2) The difference between 'mask_hd' and 'pmask';

Would you kindly provide the definitions or the converted scripts for them?


jzhangbs commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for being interested in this project.

The four numbers are the depth range of the view, which is mainly for the MVS step. Most of the MVSNet variants require this. The convention is depth_start depth_interval depth_number depth_end

mask_hd is the mask generated from MVS. Suppose you generate the depth maps by some MVSNet variants, you can get this by thresholding the probability maps in the outputs.

pmask stands for perfect mask. For DTU, it is the hand-labeled mask provided by IDR. It is only used for evaluating the PSNR.

Currently the released code is mainly for reproducing the results in the paper. We plan to release the data preparation script but we are still cleaning the code.