jzhangbs / Vis-MVSNet

Visibility-aware Multi-view Stereo Network
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colmap2mvsnet.py issue #39

Open mxgbs opened 1 month ago

mxgbs commented 1 month ago

Got error, the invalid key in the end. How could this work since if you run to the end, i+1 will out of range?? Please advice. Thank u

for i in range(num_images): zs = [] for p3d_id in images[i+1].point3D_ids:

jzhangbs commented 1 month ago

Hi @mxgbs, images is a dict with image id starting from 1 instead of 0, you can see all the indexing are with +1. Maybe some of the images are discarded in sfm. A simple test is to try other scans.

flow-specter commented 2 days ago

If this situation occurs—'Maybe some of the images are discarded in SfM'—how should it be handled?

jzhangbs commented 2 days ago

maybe the simplest solution is to remove the missing images and run colmap again

flow-specter commented 1 day ago

Yes, this would be simpler, but it would lead to unnecessary time costs.