jzimmerman / langcc

langcc: A Next-Generation Compiler Compiler
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Invalid tokens with some characters #32

Closed hernanmd closed 2 years ago

hernanmd commented 2 years ago

I am experimenting a bit with langcc to generate a Smalltalk parser from one of its BNFs. However, I encounter an "Invalid token" problem with some characters, e.g. % < > =.


langcc -vvvv vw.lang gen
[000:00:00.000510] Invalid token
[000:00:00.000510] Line 2, column 92:
[000:00:00.000510]       binary_character <- `+` | `/` | `\` | `*` | `~` | `=` | `@` | `|` | `?` | `!` | `,` | `%` | `<` | `>`;
[000:00:00.000510]                                                                                              ^               

How can I do to escape them?

This is the .lang I wrote so far: (The lexer and parser stanzas are simply copied from the manual because I have not yet reached that part :-)

tokens {
    binary_character <- `+` | `/` | `\` | `*` | `~` | `=` | `@` | `|` | `?` | `!` | `,` | `%` | `<` | `>`;

    digit <= `0`..`9`;
    digits <= digit*;
    letter <= `a`..`z`;
    id <= letter (letter | digit)*;

    named_literal <= `nil` | `true` | `false` | `super`;
    byte_array_literal <= `#` byte_array_literal_body;
    byte_array_literal_body <= `[` number* `]`;
    literal <= #L[e::`-`] number | named_literal | symbol_literal | character_literal | string array_literal | byte_array_literal;

    comment <= `"` (non_quote_character | `'` )* `"`;
    separator <= (whitespace_character | comment)+;

    big_digits <= (digit | letter)+;
    optional_fraction_and_exponent <= #L[e::`.` digits] #L[e::(`e` | `d` | `s`) #L[e::`-`] digits];
    number <= digits (`r` #L[e::`-`] big_digits | optional_fraction_and_exponent);

    extended_letter <= letter | `_`;
    identifier <= extended_letter (extended_letter | digit)*;
    whitespace_character <=  ` ` | `\n` | `\t`;

    keyword <= identifier `:`;
    block_argument <= `:` identifier;
    assignment_operator <= `:` `=`;
    binary_selector <= (`-` | binary_character) [binary_character];
    character_constant <= `$` (non_quote_character | `'` | `"`);    
    non_quote_character <= digit | letter | binary_character | whitespace_character | `[` | `]` | `{` | `}` | `(` | `)` | `_` | `^` | `;` | `$` | `#` | `:` | `.` | `-` | ``;
    string <= `'` (non_quote_character | `'` `'` | `"`)* `'`;
    token <= keyword | block_argument | assignment_operator | binary_selector | character_constant | string;

    unary_selector <= identifier;
    symbol <= identifier | binary_selector | keyword+;
    unary_message <= unary_selector;
    binary_message <= binary_selector primary unary_message*;
    keyword_message <= (keyword primary unary_message* binary_message*)+;
    cascaded_messages <= (`;` (unary_message | binary_message | keyword_message))*;
    messages <= unary_message+ binary_message* [keyword_message] | binary_message+ [keyword_message] | keyword_message;
    rest_of_expression <= #L[e::messages cascaded_messages];
    pseudovariable_name <= `self` | `thisContext`;
    primary <= extended_binding_name | binding_reference | pseudovariable_name | literal | block_constructor | `(` expression `)`;

    extended_binding_name <= binding_name #L[e::( `.` binding_name )* ];
    expression <= ( extended_binding_name | binding_reference ) (assignment_operator expression | rest_of_expression) | keyword `=` expression | primary rest_of_expression | `super` messages cascaded_messages;
    expression_list <= expression (`.` expression)* #L[e::`.`];

    binding_name <= identifier ( named_literal | pseudovariable_name );
    declared_variable_name <= binding_name;
    temporary_list <= declared_variable_name*;
    temporaries <= `|` temporary_list `|` | `||`;

    pragma <= `<` ( keyword literal )+ `>`;
    statements <= #L[e::`^` expression #L[e::`.`] | expression #L[e::`.` statements]];
    block_constructor <= `[` #L[e::block_declarations] statements `]`;
    block_declarations <= temporaries | block_argument+ (`|` [temporaries] | `||` temporary_list `|` | `|||`);
    message_pattern <= unary_selector | binary_selector declared_variable_name | (keyword declared_variable_name)+;
    method <= message_pattern pragma #L[e::temporaries] statements;

    top <= method;

lexer {
    main { body }

    mode body {
        top => { emit; }
        ws => { pass; }
        `"` => { push comment_single; pass; }
        eof => { pop; }

    mode comment_single {
        `\n` => { pop_extract; }
        eof => { pop_extract; }
        _ => { pass; }

parser {
    main { S }
jzimmerman commented 2 years ago

The problem is actually earlier in that line: the backslash `\` needs to be escaped as `\\`. If not escaped, then the backslash itself will serve to escape the following `, which will confuse the lexer as it reads the rest of the line.

Also, there are some other issues with this lang file as written. To begin with, there are list expressions (#L) in the lexer tokens, which is not allowed -- #L is only permitted in the parser. The syntax of the #L expressions also looks odd to me: the expression being repeated is e, but e is not defined elsewhere in the grammar.

I've just pushed some additional changes to improve the error messages for invalid lang files, which should hopefully help you refine this example.