jzohrab / lute

DEPRECATED: LUTE (Learning Using Texts) is a self-hosted web app for learning language through reading, based on Learning with Texts (LWT)
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Ability to remove "Mark rest as known" button #57

Closed asakura42 closed 1 year ago

asakura42 commented 1 year ago

This button is so confusing and easy to press by occasion. How can I remove it?

jzohrab commented 1 year ago

Double checking: you mean this one?


Ah, drag that you find it confusing. :-) I don't often use that one, I usually use the one in the middle.

You can hide it by using a custom style (ref the wiki https://github.com/jzohrab/lute/wiki/Customizing-Styles) Add the following to your data/custom_styles/custom_styles.css file:

#footerMarkRestAsKnown { display: none; }

and the page will look like this:


The only slight hassle is that the "mark all as known" button won't be shown on the final page of any book:


But maybe that's ok. Does that work for you?

jzohrab commented 1 year ago

I might get rid of that leftmost checkmark, I do t think it adds much value.

asakura42 commented 1 year ago

Thank you, @jzohrab, I'll check it when I come home. Anyway these two checkmarks may create a mess in a terms list If anybody press them occasionally. Maybe create some popup window that will ask user if he/she really wants to tag all words as known?

Anyway for me personally this will be good:

#footerMarkRestAsKnown { display: none; }
#footerMarkRestAsKnownNextPage { display: none; }

Thank you for such a good and easy-to-install LWT fork. That's beautiful.

jzohrab commented 1 year ago

Anyway for me personally this will be good


Maybe create some popup window that will ask user if he/she really wants to tag all words as known?

It's a good idea, with some drawbacks (see below), so I'm not going to do this for now. Thank you for the suggestion though! :-)

Confirming "set all to well-known"

I use Lute a /lot/ and so adding a confirmation would be annoying for me. Maybe I could add a custom popup, but that starts to add a lot of code (a surprising amount, ballpark 8 hours, partly because I'm not sure how to do some of it). And I could also add a .env file configuration, but that requires more docs and explanation.

Initial rough estimate: