jzohrab / lute

DEPRECATED: LUTE (Learning Using Texts) is a self-hosted web app for learning language through reading, based on Learning with Texts (LWT)
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Support multiple parents #61

Closed jzohrab closed 1 year ago

jzohrab commented 1 year ago

Sometimes words have more than one parent, depending on context.

Spanish example: in "Él se siente mejor," the verb is "sentirse", to feel. But in the below extract, it's "sentarse", to sit down:

Yo hice ademán de tomar asiento. —¿Quién le ha dicho que se siente? —murmuró don Basilio

Czech example (from Mycheze in Discord):

hoře is a a declension of hora the regular form of hoře and a conjugation of hořet. Two nouns and a verb all use the same "word." And their meanings aren't even close. First one's mountain, second's is sorrow or grief and the verb is to feel love.

App design

Things to consider


For users, I think using "tags" as the parents would be easiest, allowing spaces in the tags, and making an ajax call to get the current list of words. I like the way that Lute currently shows the parent's definition in the dropdown:


I'm not sure how to replicate that with tags.

jzohrab commented 1 year ago

Added to the develop branch, will smoke test it for a bit on my prod site before launching it.

jzohrab commented 1 year ago

Launched in https://github.com/jzohrab/lute/releases/tag/v2.0.13. :tada: