Open jzook opened 1 month ago
This appears to be duplication and likely clonal since the coverage is increasing from 100 ---> 200.
Pacbio Revio appear to have the correct right breakpoint with the ATC homology sequence at the start however, ONT and element right breakpoint is 3 bp long Also, as seen in IGV, the Exact left breakpoint across ONT, Revio, and Element
chr22 49059745 Minda_93 N <DUP> . PASS SVLEN=114709;SVTYPE=DUP;SUPP_VEC=ILL_MantaDUP:TANDEM:261263:0:1:0:0:0,ILL_gridss287bf_1071h,PB_ID_55304_2,ONT_ID_65408_2,ILL_2329842478:2,PB_r_250,ONT_r_158,PB_Sniffles2.DUP.212M15,ONT_Sniffles2.DUP.229M15,PB_severus_DUP4523,ONT_severus_DUP5247