jzwart / delaware-water-temp

Data assimilation estimates of Delaware River Basin water temperature for both streams and lakes.
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pulling swrad for SNTemp, gridded, measured SW Radiation comparison #6

Closed jzwart closed 4 years ago

jzwart commented 4 years ago

Pulling SW Radiation from PRMS-SNTemp estimated SW radiation.

Not sure why there are only two build-status files since all the targets were built and remake says that all targets are up-to-date.

aappling-usgs commented 4 years ago

Interesting about the build/status files! If you run scipiper:::locate_build_status_yml('6_model_output/out/SNTemp_sw_rad_station_location_DCHI_39.73_-75.52.rds.ind') does it identify a file, and does that file have a recent date, and/or is it in the GitHub repo already?

(For fun, I've also been getting mileage out of these recipes for scipiper exploration:

# display the build/status info in the console just as it is in the file:
scipiper:::locate_build_status_yml('myfile.ind') %>% readr::read_lines() %>% cat(sep='\n')

# two equivalent calls, which I choose between based on which one I remember that day:
scipiper:::get_dependency_status('myfile.ind', as_of='last_build', format='raw')

# get_dependency_status also has some other formats that can be handing when looking at several files at once.
scipiper:::get_dependency_status('myfile.ind', as_of='last_build', format='wide')
scipiper:::get_dependency_status('myfile.ind', as_of='last_build', format='long')


jzwart commented 4 years ago

scipiper:::locate_build_status_yml('6_model_output/out/SNTemp_sw_rad_station_location_DCHI_39.73_-75.52.rds.ind') does locate a file:

> scipiper:::locate_build_status_yml('6_model_output/out/SNTemp_sw_rad_station_location_DCHI_39.73_-75.52.rds.ind')
[1] "build/status/Nl9tb2RlbF9vdXRwdXQvb3V0L1NOVGVtcF9zd19yYWRfc3RhdGlvbl9sb2NhdGlvbl9EQ0hJXzM5LjczXy03NS41Mi5yZHMuaW5k.yml"

However, I can't find this file in the build/status folder when I search manually (via windows file explorer), but I can find the hash in .remake/objects/keys/remake_db/

jzwart commented 4 years ago
> scipiper:::locate_build_status_yml('6_model_output/out/SNTemp_sw_rad_station_location_DCHI_39.73_-75.52.rds.ind') %>% readr::read_lines() %>% cat(sep ='\n')
Error: 'build/status/Nl9tb2RlbF9vdXRwdXQvb3V0L1NOVGVtcF9zd19yYWRfc3RhdGlvbl9sb2NhdGlvbl9EQ0hJXzM5LjczXy03NS41Mi5yZHMuaW5k.yml' does not exist in current working directory ('C:/Users/jzwart/delaware-water-temp').
> scipiper:::locate_build_status_yml('6_model_output/out/SNTemp_sw_rad_station_location_DCHI_39.73_-75.52.rds.ind') 
[1] "build/status/Nl9tb2RlbF9vdXRwdXQvb3V0L1NOVGVtcF9zd19yYWRfc3RhdGlvbl9sb2NhdGlvbl9EQ0hJXzM5LjczXy03NS41Mi5yZHMuaW5k.yml"
aappling-usgs commented 4 years ago

OK, it's coming together now. As noted in Slack, we think this may be because the build hit errors somewhere between creating these .ind files and preparing the build/status files for them.

Solution: run scipiper:::YAMLify_build_status() on the .ind files that should have build/status files.