k-l-lambda / stylegan-web

A web porting for NVlabs' StyleGAN.
159 stars 40 forks source link

Feature Suggestion - include latent_directions #6

Open johndpope opened 3 years ago

johndpope commented 3 years ago

So I've been trying out different stylegan repos - and I'm imaging a fusion of two. Basically the guts of this repo https://github.com/GreenLimeSia/GenEdi/issues/3


While it is in pytorch - I think it would be great to surface these in side bar as in the 512 vectors currently in another tab.

Also checkout artbreeder https://www.artbreeder.com/ it has some simple controls to switch up / infuse latent vectors.

Side note - the nvidia labs are switching over to pytorch - https://github.com/NVlabs/stylegan2-ada/issues/32#issuecomment-748225014

k-l-lambda commented 3 years ago

Nice work.

@johndpope, I guess you have tried this GenEdi, how accurate are these feature vectors you think?

johndpope commented 3 years ago

I think these are just out of the box. https://github.com/GreenLimeSia/GenEdi/tree/master/latent_directions




@Gvanderl - maybe there's interest to collaborate with this web layout for your facemaker code? https://github.com/Gvanderl/FaceMaker

UPDATE also noteworthy @blubs https://github.com/blubs/stylegan2_playground image

k-l-lambda commented 3 years ago

Very nice. I'm curious how these latent directions been got. StyleGAN is not trained with feature labels, latent space is very likely highly twisted. So did these latent directions come from manual labeling or unsupervised learning?

johndpope commented 3 years ago

I think this guy @a312863063 created them https://github.com/a312863063/generators-with-stylegan2

english https://github.com/a312863063/generators-with-stylegan2/blob/master/README_EN.md

k-l-lambda commented 3 years ago

Ha, I know some about this guy. He has a lot of computation resource, but the researching is not the first-class yet. Yes, I envy him.

johndpope commented 3 years ago

Amazon / stylegan2 take Gan-Control https://arxiv.org/pdf/2101.02477v1.pdf


k-l-lambda commented 3 years ago

Amazon / stylegan2 take Gan-Control https://arxiv.org/pdf/2101.02477v1.pdf



johndpope commented 3 years ago

related - https://github.com/johndpope/ALAE/blob/master/interactive_demo.py

gael-vanderlee commented 3 years ago

I think these are just out of the box. https://github.com/GreenLimeSia/GenEdi/tree/master/latent_directions




@Gvanderl - maybe there's interest to collaborate with this web layout for your facemaker code? https://github.com/Gvanderl/FaceMaker

UPDATE also noteworthy @blubs https://github.com/blubs/stylegan2_playground image

I would love to collaborate, I'm not certain what exactly should be implemented though.

johndpope commented 3 years ago

Hi @Gvanderl nice repo! https://github.com/Gvanderl/StyleSegments

There seems to be 3 parts - (though maybe more) Python API

{ "image_shape": [ null, 3, 1024, 1024 ], "latent_directions": [ "latent_directions/emotion_angry.npy" 1: "latent_directions/angle_vertical.npy" 2: "latent_directions/emotion_fear.npy" 3: "latent_directions/lip_ratio.npy" 4: "latent_directions/pitch.npy" 5: "latent_directions/exposure.npy" 6: "latent_directions/roll.npy" 7: "latent_directions/eyes_open.npy" 8: "latent_directions/beauty.npy" 9: "latent_directions/nose_ratio.npy" 10: "latent_directions/glasses.npy" 11: "latent_directions/eye_eyebrow_distance.npy" 12: "latent_directions/face_shape.npy" 13: "latent_directions/mouth_open.npy" 14: "latent_directions/nose_tip.npy" 15: "latent_directions/eye_distance.npy" 16: "latent_directions/race_yellow.npy" 17: "latent_directions/mouth_ratio.npy" 18: "latent_directions/smile.npy" 19: "latent_directions/emotion_surprise.npy" 20: "latent_directions/race_black.npy" 21: "latent_directions/angle_horizontal.npy" 22: "latent_directions/gender.npy" 23: "latent_directions/emotion_happy.npy" 24: "latent_directions/race_white.npy" 25: "latent_directions/width.npy" 26: "latent_directions/emotion_disgust.npy" 27: "latent_directions/camera_rotation.npy" 28: "latent_directions/age.npy" 29: "latent_directions/height.npy" 30: "latent_directions/yaw.npy" 31: "latent_directions/nose_mouth_distance.npy" 32: "latent_directions/emotion_sad.npy" 33: "latent_directions/eye_ratio.npy" 34: "latent_directions/emotion_easy.npy" ], "latents_dimensions": 512, "model": "cat", "synthesis_input_shape": [ null, 18, 512 ] }

- when app changes the values - make them update backend
-surface the latent_directions with sliders

1st step import the latent_directions directory - DONE

I pushed a tensorflow 2 branch. Work in progress.

It seems each latent directions is a vector of  'shape': (18, 512)

That may makes things more complicated.
I'm thinking we could have a drop down - then when they select - show the 512 latent vectors associated with say age. 

This looks promising - need to prototype the code to hotwire the http_server (without UI)

def change_face(image="maface_01", direction="gender", coeffs=None):

    if coeffs is None:
        coeffs = [-2, 0, 2]

    directions = {
        "smile": 'ffhq_dataset/latent_directions/smile.npy',
        "gender": 'ffhq_dataset/latent_directions/gender.npy',
        "age": 'ffhq_dataset/latent_directions/age.npy'
    direction = np.load(directions[direction])
    face_latent = np.load(config.latents_dir / (image + ".npy"))
    move_and_show(face_latent, direction, coeffs)

If we can hardcode a change of smile - then this would progress things to extend ui.

Screen Shot 2021-01-16 at 5 18 07 pm

UPDATE @Puzer Dmitry Nikitko originally found directions - according to this tweet UPDATE - they're different / I've added them all in.

https://hostb.org/NCM - official download here https://twitter.com/robertluxemburg/status/1207087801344372736 https://github.com/Puzer/stylegan-encoder/blob/master/Learn_direction_in_latent_space.ipynb

I added a killServer.sh to take out the http_server and a restart.sh script that also runs the build to recompile vuejs code.

Got the drop down showing latent directions in project.

Screen Shot 2021-01-16 at 10 24 17 pm

It seems final piece would be to wire up the events of changing the drop down - to loading the corresponding pkl and then making this become the generator??? I've wired up the event onChange - so it calls the backend and selects to load the respective pkl / needs work here. The generator would either need to take a turn to include a selected blended model - or ....IDK.

UPDATE seems like we can just concatenate the pre-canned latent directions with some simple scaling as done by @jasonlbx13


  if len(request.form) != 0:
                    smile = float(request.form['smile'])
                    age = float(request.form['age'])
                    gender = float(request.form['gender'])
                    beauty = float(request.form['beauty'])
                    angleh = float(request.form['angleh'])
                    anglep = float(request.form['anglep'])
                    raceblack = float(request.form['raceblack'])
                    raceyellow = float(request.form['raceyellow'])
                    racewhite = float(request.form['racewhite'])
                    feature_book = [smile, age, gender, beauty, angleh, anglep, raceblack, raceyellow, racewhite]
                    feature_book = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

def move_latent(self, npy_dir, Gs_network, Gs_syn_kwargs, *args):
        latent_vector = np.load(npy_dir)[np.newaxis, :]
        smile, age, gender, beauty, angleh, anglep, raceblack, raceyellow, racewhite = args
        new_latent_vector = latent_vector.copy()
        new_latent_vector[0][:8] = (latent_vector[0] + smile * self.smile_drt + age * self.age_drt + gender * self.gender_drt
                                    + beauty * self.beauty_drt + angleh * self.angleh_drt + anglep * self.anglep_drt
                                    + raceblack * self.raceblack_drt + raceyellow * self.raceyellow_drt + racewhite * self.racewhite_drt)[:8]
        with self.graph.as_default():
            with self.session.as_default():
                images = Gs_network.components.synthesis.run(new_latent_vector, **Gs_syn_kwargs)
        PIL.Image.fromarray(images[0], 'RGB').save(

I guess once code is dropped in - the coefficients will be important to get this to work correctly. https://github.com/dream80/StyleganEncoder/blob/d9c8fe41a5b3ccdebd6af9d234a45c97416af3af/show1.py

#move_and_show(generator, target, "age", [-6, -4, -3, -2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 6])
#move_and_show(generator, target, "angle_horizontal", [-6, -4, -3, -2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 6])
#move_and_show(generator, target, gender, [-6, -4, -3, -2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 6])
#move_and_show(generator, target, "eyes_open", [-3, -2, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3])
#move_and_show(generator,target, glasses, [-6, -4, -3, -2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 6])
#move_and_show(generator,target, smile, [-3, -2, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3])

Also noteable mention @swapp1990 - seems to have achieved something similar already. https://github.com/swapp1990/my-stylegan2-face-editing-app/blob/dev/client/src/views/FaceEditing.vue