k0baya / X-for-serv00

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您好,大佬。请问运行start.sh报错怎么办,但是用lacalhost:port/list能访问节点部署细节 #4

Closed yanhaoyang0929 closed 1 month ago

yanhaoyang0929 commented 2 months ago

以下是运行时报错code ~$ chmod +x start.sh && bash start.sh

up to date, audited 131 packages in 1s

17 packages are looking for funding run npm fund for details

2 moderate severity vulnerabilities

Some issues need review, and may require choosing a different dependency.

Run npm audit for details. appending output to nohup.out audit

npm audit report

request * Severity: moderate Server-Side Request Forgery in Request - https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-p8p7-x288-28g6 Depends on vulnerable versions of tough-cookie No fix available node_modules/request

tough-cookie <4.1.3 Severity: moderate tough-cookie Prototype Pollution vulnerability - https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-72xf-g2v4-qvf3 No fix available node_modules/tough-cookie

2 moderate severity vulnerabilities

Some issues need review, and may require choosing a different dependency.

yanhaoyang0929 commented 2 months ago


k0baya commented 2 months ago


yanhaoyang0929 commented 2 months ago


您好,我测试了链接。但是我不是用原生的 username.serv00.net 域名搭建。 我使用 XX.username.serv00.net ——带有子域名的域名目录下搭建,请问可行吗? 感谢您的回复

k0baya commented 2 months ago


您好,我测试了链接。但是我不是用原生的 username.serv00.net 域名搭建。 我使用 XX.username.serv00.net ——带有子域名的域名目录下搭建,请问可行吗? 感谢您的回复


kimlinea commented 2 months ago

same issue not working. Using custom domain and cloudflare tunnel. You did not mention how to use the cloudflare command to install cloudflared service. I googled and found how to acquire the tunnel token and run the start.sh but some dependency and depreciated package issue same as the topic.

k0baya commented 2 months ago

same issue not working. Using custom domain and cloudflare tunnel. You did not mention how to use the cloudflare command to install cloudflared service. I googled and found how to acquire the tunnel token and run the start.sh but some dependency and depreciated package issue same as the topic.

The reason I didn't mention how to use the cloudflare command is because the script takes care of it and simply requires you to fill in the relevant variables in the startup script start.sh without you having to do anything else manually. The packages installation warning has no effect on the normal operation of this repository, what matters is whether it works after deployment.

floydchase commented 1 month ago

Installed with custom domain and cloudflare tunnel and aquired sub address but can't connect. Tried to replace the server address alejandracaiccedo.com with good cloudflare IP still can not connect.

k0baya commented 1 month ago

Installed with custom domain and cloudflare tunnel and aquired sub address but can't connect. Tried to replace the server address alejandracaiccedo.com with good cloudflare IP still can not connect.

Could you please post your start.sh configuration?

imbigyellow commented 1 month ago

大佬 大佬 为什么我按步骤安装好后使用“IP:端口/list"打不开网页。我是个小白我问几个问题哈:1,是不是服务器里的IP要有证书.。2,WEBPORT和VMPORT是不是填写ser00里面打开的两个端口号码。3,WSPATH位置是不是可以不用改就serv00就可以。4,ARGO_AUTH,ARGO_DOMAIN这两个不填没事吧。如果愿意回答的话4个问题用y(yes)n(no)回答我就好yyyy/nnnn

k0baya commented 1 month ago

大佬 大佬 为什么我按步骤安装好后使用“IP:端口/list"打不开网页。我是个小白我问几个问题哈:1,是不是服务器里的IP要有证书.。2,WEBPORT和VMPORT是不是填写ser00里面打开的两个端口号码。3,WSPATH位置是不是可以不用改就serv00就可以。4,ARGO_AUTH,ARGO_DOMAIN这两个不填没事吧。如果愿意回答的话4个问题用y(yes)n(no)回答我就好yyyy/nnnn





liangxietu commented 1 month ago

大佬 大佬 为什么我按步骤安装好后使用“IP:端口/list"打不开网页。我是个小白我问几个问题哈:1,是不是服务器里的IP要有证书.。2,WEBPORT和VMPORT是不是填写ser00里面打开的两个端口号码。3,WSPATH位置是不是可以不用改就serv00就可以。4,ARGO_AUTH,ARGO_DOMAIN这两个不填没事吧。如果愿意回答的话4个问题用y(yes)n(no)回答我就好yyyy/nnnn

entrypoint.sh 文件里也有端口,可以进去编辑一下。改成对应的即可。

k0baya commented 1 month ago

大佬 大佬 为什么我按步骤安装好后使用“IP:端口/list"打不开网页。我是个小白我问几个问题哈:1,是不是服务器里的IP要有证书.。2,WEBPORT和VMPORT是不是填写ser00里面打开的两个端口号码。3,WSPATH位置是不是可以不用改就serv00就可以。4,ARGO_AUTH,ARGO_DOMAIN这两个不填没事吧。如果愿意回答的话4个问题用y(yes)n(no)回答我就好yyyy/nnnn

entrypoint.sh 文件里也有端口,可以进去编辑一下。改成对应的即可。


timmywong2003 commented 1 month ago

我也是用“IP:端口/list"打不开网页,start.sh我只改了export WEBPORT=9120,export VMPORT=26607,然后export UUID=填了自己的uuid,上传后运行,提示“Installing dependence......Please wait for a while.X-for-Serv00 is trying to start up, please visit http://:9120 to get the configuration.”。然后用“IP:端口/list"也是打不开,开vpn也打不开

k0baya commented 1 month ago

我也是用“IP:端口/list"打不开网页,start.sh我只改了export WEBPORT=9120,export VMPORT=26607,然后export UUID=填了自己的uuid,上传后运行,提示“Installing dependence......Please wait for a while.X-for-Serv00 is trying to start up, please visit http://:9120 to get the configuration.”。然后用“IP:端口/list"也是打不开,开vpn也打不开


timmywong2003 commented 1 month ago

我也是用“IP:端口/list"打不开网页,start.sh我只改了export WEBPORT=9120,export VMPORT=26607,然后export UUID=填了自己的uuid,上传后运行,提示“Installing dependence......Please wait for a while.X-for-Serv00 is trying to start up, please visit http://:9120 to get the configuration.”。然后用“IP:端口/list"也是打不开,开vpn也打不开

请你按照readme中的方法找到ip地址,看看到底能不能打开网页,或者把你的ip+port贴出来。 刚才又试着运行了一下,网页弹出了用户名和密码,输入默认值之后过了很久,就显示“文件未生成”,是不是服务器本身的问题啊?

liangxietu commented 1 month ago



k0baya commented 1 month ago

由于 Cloudflare 临时隧道存在数量限制,现不推荐使用临时隧道运行本仓库,建议大家固定隧道使用。详见#972

nowindows9 commented 1 month ago




liangxietu commented 1 month ago

我的情况是根据教程做到最后启动,然后读进程,并没有开启代理,然后看了看entrypoint.sh文件,见到抬头定义里的两个端口都被赋予了固定的值3001和3002,然后我把这两个值改成对应自己设置的值,再运行就通了。 供参考。一切以的hub主的说明为准,感谢提供这些代码~


不用改其他东西了,按照教程做一遍就好了,作者已经把文件都调试好了~~ 我刚刚重新删了跟着步骤重做一边,还把通道加了上去,都没问题的了~