k0rd / Custom-Monsters-Plugin--Tshock-

Server Side Custom Monsters for Terraria
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Area biome issues #11

Open Pychnight opened 12 years ago

Pychnight commented 12 years ago

if you specify the amount say forest:50000 and anther 45000 and some enemy's at 15000 and some at 10000 it will sometimes not spawn the lesser ones. (i have noticed 1 spawn in the lesser ones will not spawn for a very long time)

and some monsters specified to only spawn at forest biome will actually spawn in the others... (though if you have about 8+ enemys defined at one biome it tends to ignore the other bosses.

and when if the boss spawns there are sometimes groups of them (usually paired spawns)

this issue might be caused by the spawn on update issue..

k0rd commented 12 years ago

in it's current state - there is a very random element that comes in to play every update - there is a 1/+1 chance that the monster will spawn - if that monster has been selected for a chance

Pychnight commented 12 years ago

I'm testing this issue atm on my server, i have 25 monsters all defined in forest to see just how "random" this element actually is, hope it's not too random....

feel free to drop in my server.

k0rd commented 12 years ago

at the club rite now.. github on the droid via gh4a

k0rd commented 12 years ago

also.. its very.. very random. take a look at the latest commit

k0rd commented 12 years ago

basically.. every update it picks one of the monsters in your biome at random. then.. it rolls a (whatever value +1) sided die. if it hits a 1.. it will spawn that monster. keep in mind that updates happen in a small fraction of a second.

Pychnight commented 12 years ago

Seems like i was worrying about this due to i planed to have at least 100 monsters and the odds of them showing up in at least a week in real life grow more unlikely as the number increases. my guess you would almost never see most of the monsters defined once you get at the 100+ limit.

forest:15000:night < would be interesting way to work in more monsters after all there is day,night,dusk,noon,midnight

k0rd commented 12 years ago

an update tick happens more often than you might think :) a solution might be to lower the value as you raise the amount of monsters for the particular zone. (could probably even do it in code, if its an issue...)

Pychnight commented 12 years ago

even if it updates frequently, it's still giving me a slight headache, i found it really likes to favor the transformation monsters over normal mobs (i have them set pretty high 45 - 75 seconds ) and the normal mobs are set really low (1000-7000 (1-7 seconds).

I readjusted lately in hopes the low mobs would spawn more frequently but at least king slime (25 seconds) is spawning now.

Some missing zones.

Snow Zone, Hell Zone.

i still hope to define if they can spawn only in the night to midnight :) or in the morning to afternoon :) this kind of flexibility would improve the odds of seeing some of the monsters.

but at least it works :)

k0rd commented 12 years ago

so this is kind of a maybe bug, and kind of something that needs more investigation. that's the way i see it

Pychnight commented 12 years ago

Seems like if your between Biome's spawning increases.. but with mobs only defined in as low as 250 i have yet to see them, yet very large number mobs like cethra spawn every maybe 5-15 minutes?

this is very strange that's for sure ^^;

Pychnight commented 12 years ago

i found this bug is only effecting forest biome.

all others seem to be working properly.

k0rd commented 12 years ago

ok - <3 fix shortly?

Pychnight commented 12 years ago

Correction meteor biome is completely broken if any npcs are defined there all npcs start spawning instantly. even ones not assigned to the biome spawn in it..

other then that i have only seen one of my npcs ever spawn in forest biome, so yeah it seems like there not fully working ._.;

saybrook commented 11 years ago

based on the current list i would make this the second priority on the list.

Olink commented 11 years ago

Anything that involves random stuff, or spawning stuff is beyond me. His code is a mess, and as I stated in the blitzdata issue, needs to be rewritten to work right.