k0rd / Custom-Monsters-Plugin--Tshock-

Server Side Custom Monsters for Terraria
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optionable hp triggers for blitzdata and blizshooter #5

Open Pychnight opened 12 years ago

Pychnight commented 12 years ago

so you can make monsters spawn at monsters or fire new projectiles at lower hp amounts (gaining new abilities)

blizdata: id : style : time : hp < last one is optionable

blizshooter: ID : Style : time : damage : hp

if implemented it should look like this

           id   | style |  time |  trigger at hp |  chance  |   multiply on strike? (true or false)

blizdata: id : style : time : hp: 20 : true (last 3 are optionable)

and well the monster death multiplier could use better controls like a function like strike based multiplying and chance based multiplying on strike.

this could be done with a true or false value.


This is a request to add Condition based functionality to blizdata and blizshooter the new flexibility changes will allow monsters to essentially gain new ability's and spawn new types of monsters at the specified point of the user.

The Current format is ID:Style:Time

the new format suggested would be ID:Style:Time:Hp Start(option able)

First the blizdata will check monster hp to see if it has reached the number specified before activating the this monster or weapon after it checks the hp it will then repeatably spawn the monster every X amount of milliseconds

If the HP is not defined it will ignore this value and only check on the spawn rate (time).