Open wasdennnoch opened 7 years ago
How it's on desktop (I have a dark theme but the red little icon is the same):
vs how it's on mobile:
Any updates? I also think this would look a lot cleaner.
@Maxr1998 pass me the same exact icon in svg format and you can get it by next release :D
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There you are. I just extracted the icon svg from the GitHub html and converted it to Android, thus I'm not yet sure whether you're allowed to use it..
EDIT: Actually, you are:
<vector xmlns:android=""
android:pathData="M16,5v3c0,0.55 -0.45,1 -1,1h-3v2L9,8l3,-3v2h2V5h2zM8,8c0,2.2 -1.8,4 -4,4s-4,-1.8 -4,-4 1.8,-4 4,-4 4,1.8 4,4zM1.5,9.66L5.66,5.5C5.18,5.19 4.61,5 4,5 2.34,5 1,6.34 1,8c0,0.61 0.19,1.17 0.5,1.66zM7,8c0,-0.61 -0.19,-1.17 -0.5,-1.66L2.34,10.5c0.48,0.31 1.05,0.5 1.66,0.5 1.66,0 3,-1.34 3,-3z" />
@Maxr1998 this probably will cause crashes on Android 21 due to the negatives in the svg :D . I have copied some from GitHub but then the penalty was crashes lol. I'll have to test this icon on Android 21 to 26 😕
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Well, at least the converted icon doesn't use the SDK23+ fillType attribute - let's see if all api levels support it then ;)
Awesome work, thanks!
@Maxr1998 thank you for the icon :)
@k0shk0sh the icon is not aligned correctly when it's on the old code side.
Link to commit
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could you let me where is this line is located? I'm abit lost with this one.