k0sproject / k0sctl

A bootstrapping and management tool for k0s clusters.
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Apply failed on Alpine Linux #698

Open Malaccoda opened 3 weeks ago

Malaccoda commented 3 weeks ago
INFO[0002] * Running clean-up for phase: Acquire exclusive host lock
DEBU[0002] [ssh] stopped lock cycle, removing file
DEBU[0002] [ssh] executing `rm -f -- /run/lock/k0sctl 2> /dev/null`
INFO[0002] ==> Apply failed
FATA[0003] apply failed - log file saved to /root/.cache/k0sctl/k0sctl.log: failed on 5 hosts:
 - [ssh] command failed: client exec: ssh session wait: Process exited with status 1

I tried it with enabling cgroups like mentionned in the other thread but didnt change anything. Alpine Version 3.19.1

twz123 commented 3 weeks ago

@Malaccoda are you able to share the k0sctl log file, so we can see what k0sctl was up to before the apply failed?

Without more context, my initial guess would be that there's no unique machine ID on the hosts. On Alpine, you can enable those via rc-update add machine-id boot && /etc/init.d/machine-id start (as root).

Moreover, can you share the output of k0s sysinfo from one of the failing hosts?

kke commented 2 weeks ago

The log snippet is unrelated, there's something that happened before that caused this. The lock file management logging has been toned down a bit in #713.