k105la / pulsetracker

An open source tool built for monitoring heart rate.
MIT License
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Port to Go Lan? #19

Open k105la opened 4 years ago

k105la commented 4 years ago

https://gocv.io/writing-code/hello-video/ https://godoc.org/gonum.org/v1/plot https://www.gonum.org/post/introtogonum/

ngiangre commented 4 years ago

@tesla809 you said you were learning GO?

tesla809 commented 4 years ago

Great questions!

td;lr: I'm down for it!

Pros: -If we go sever model, it would be faster than Python and can allow for scalable operations -If we go edge computing with WebAssembly (operating on phone or browser), we can use TinyGo implementation and compile to WebAssembly.


Overall I am for doing it. Sounds like fun and it seems like the pros outweigh the cons. We have better advantages is the distribution model (servers & clients). Related to libraries, if we go with Microservices route, this might not be an issue. We can implement one thing in one language, another in another.


See: https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/anbjin/is_there_a_future_in_machine_learning_in_go/efscc0p/

tesla809 commented 4 years ago

@ngiangre Yup. Going strong. Should be decent at it by the end of the week. Then ... (cue ominous music) Rust.

ngiangre commented 4 years ago

Ok let's do it so we can have everything client side! Let me know if you'd like to team up somehow

k105la commented 4 years ago

Yes it would take longer to write but I was wondering if the long term benefits out weights that. Also go-ipfs would be so useful!

ngiangre commented 4 years ago

I think the long term benefits are greater. If we can do everything client side that goes with our philosophy including decentralization and no data on external servers (user privacy but also low data/server maintenance for us). Just means we gotta figure out a way to get that from a user's gaia