k1LoW / awspec

RSpec tests for your AWS resources.
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An error occurred while loading ./spec/ec2_spec.rb. - Did you mean? rspec ./spec/spec_helper.rbFailure/Error: require 'awspec' #568

Open dewshekhar opened 2 years ago

dewshekhar commented 2 years ago

Followed the instructions to execute awspec but getting below error- An error occurred while loading ./spec/ec2_spec.rb. - Did you mean? rspec ./spec/spec_helper.rb

Failure/Error: require 'awspec'

LoadError: cannot load such file -- awspec

./spec/spec_helper.rb:1:in `require'

./spec/spec_helper.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'

./spec/ec2_spec.rb:1:in `require'

./spec/ec2_spec.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'

No examples found.

Finished in 0.00007 seconds (files took 0.26212 seconds to load) 0 examples, 0 failures, 1 error occurred outside of examples

C:/Ruby31-x64/bin/ruby.exe -I'C:/Ruby31-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/rspec-core-3.11.0/lib';'C:/Ruby31-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/rspec-support-3.11.0/lib' 'C:/Ruby31-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/rspec-core-3.11.0/exe/rspec' --pattern 'spec/*{,//*}/_spec.rb' failed

Note - below is my spec_helper.rb require 'awspec' Awsecrets.load(secrets_path: File.expand_path('./secrets.yml', File.dirname(__FILE__)))

and below is my Gemfile

gem 'rake' gem 'rspec'