k1LoW / runn

runn is a package/tool for running operations following a scenario.
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Could not continue execute other cases after failure case #894

Closed hungpk-bap closed 4 months ago

hungpk-bap commented 4 months ago

I write API test base on the guild runn Grpc server

I have 2 test files:

1 requestBase.yml file as below:

    addr: ${BASE_GRPC_URL}
    tls: false 
      - ../../../*.proto
  - greq:
      "{{ vars.testPath }}":
          test-case: "{{ vars.testCase }}"
        message: "{{ vars.request }}"
    test: compare(current.res.message, vars.response)


func TestAPI(t *testing.T) {
    flag.Parse() // Parse the flags

    err := godotenv.Load(".env")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Error loading .env file")

    opts := []runn.Option{

    runner, err := runn.Load(

    if err != nil {

    ctx := context.TODO()

    if err := runner.RunN(ctx); err != nil {

When I run all test. When case 001 login success, case 002 login failure. It stop (do not run case 003 login, although logout_test still run) I change: t.Fatal(err) -> t.Error(err) purpose continue execute other case if in test_file.yml has failure case. But it does not work. It still stop. Could you share idea or something wrong here? Thank you very much!

k1LoW commented 4 months ago

For runn, login_test.yml is one scenario and logout_test.yml is one scenario. This is because you are running two scenarios. Two scenarios are always run (until the step that fails)

hungpk-bap commented 4 months ago

Hi @k1LoW , Thanks for quickly response. Currently, in the login_test scenario has 3 cases. Expected: when case 002 failure then case 003 continue execute. Actual: when case 002 failure then all case remaining of login_test do not execute. I think cause by: t.Fatal() stop it. So I change t.Fatal() to t.Error() to avoid that but it doesn't seem to work. Forgive my ignorance on this matter. 🙇‍♂️

k1LoW commented 4 months ago

Currently, in the login_test scenario has 3 cases.

In runn, these are only steps, which must be consecutive and successful.

If you want them to be test cases, you need to separate the runbook.

There is an option called force:, but again this is only for forcing all the steps to run, and it does not take into account the cases you mention.

dungtqbap commented 4 months ago

Could you provide an example requestBase for a multi-instance runbook? Suppose you are looping 3 cases in turn Then when the 2nd case reports: test failed on "Generated by runn new".steps[0]: condition is not true We will continue to run the third case If I misunderstand something, please let me know 🙇

k1LoW commented 4 months ago

Separate login_test.yml into three separate files ( not loop ).

hungpk-bap commented 4 months ago

Thanks for support @k1LoW . I got it! When any step failure => The scenario will be failure. So we should split scenarios into sperate files.