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Hi, ncnn inference result seems not right #138

Open lucasjinreal opened 1 year ago

lucasjinreal commented 1 year ago
python demo_file_ncnn.py \                                                             master
   --bpe-model-filename ./weights/icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless-2022-08-18/data/lang_bpe_500/bpe.model \
   --encoder-param-filename ./weights/encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param \
   --encoder-bin-filename ./weights/encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin \
   --decoder-param-filename ./weights/decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param \
   --decoder-bin-filename ./weights/decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin \
   --joiner-param-filename ./weights/joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param \
   --joiner-bin-filename ./weights/joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin \

I got:


the result seems not right

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

Which code are you using?

lucasjinreal commented 1 year ago

@csukuangfj Hi, this code: https://github.com/jinfagang/aural/blob/master/demo_file_ncnn.py

Essentially same as yours. But I removed encoder_giga, just librispeech. The weights also using librispeech only.

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

Please compare your code with https://github.com/k2-fsa/icefall/blob/master/egs/librispeech/ASR/lstm_transducer_stateless2/ncnn-decode.py



and see if there is anything different from yours.

Also note that you have to use the modified ncnn from http://github.com/csukuangfj/ncnn

And, please try our provided ncnn models to ensure that your export is correct.

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

Are you able to run https://github.com/k2-fsa/icefall/blob/master/egs/librispeech/ASR/lstm_transducer_stateless2/ncnn-decode.py

  ./lstm_transducer_stateless2/ncnn-decode.py \
   --bpe-model-filename ./data/lang_bpe_500/bpe.model \
   --encoder-param-filename ./lstm_transducer_stateless2/exp/encoder_jit_trace-iter-468000-avg-16-pnnx.ncnn.param \
   --encoder-bin-filename ./lstm_transducer_stateless2/exp/encoder_jit_trace-iter-468000-avg-16-pnnx.ncnn.bin \
   --decoder-param-filename ./lstm_transducer_stateless2/exp/decoder_jit_trace-iter-468000-avg-16-pnnx.ncnn.param \
   --decoder-bin-filename ./lstm_transducer_stateless2/exp/decoder_jit_trace-iter-468000-avg-16-pnnx.ncnn.bin \
   --joiner-param-filename ./lstm_transducer_stateless2/exp/joiner_jit_trace-iter-468000-avg-16-pnnx.ncnn.param \
   --joiner-bin-filename ./lstm_transducer_stateless2/exp/joiner_jit_trace-iter-468000-avg-16-pnnx.ncnn.bin \
lucasjinreal commented 1 year ago

@csukuangfj the inference code is copired from your ncnn-decode.py without any changing.

Yes, am using your modificied ncnn, otherwise it can not load ncnn model at all.

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

Have you tried to use the provided model for recognition with your code or use your exported model with the code from icefall?

lucasjinreal commented 1 year ago

the code is same.

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

What about the model?

lucasjinreal commented 1 year ago

the model am using lstm-stateless, then convert to ncnn

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

I mean how did you convert it?

lucasjinreal commented 1 year ago


./src/pnnx /Users//weights/joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.pt

all without any params

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

I mean, how did you get the pt files? Did you use export.py from icefall?

lucasjinreal commented 1 year ago

pt file is export from icefall

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

What is the command you used to export the pt files for pnnx? Did you use the same command as the one listed in the documentation?

lucasjinreal commented 1 year ago

@csukuangfj Yes, I just copied the command line and send coresponding pth file to export.

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

Which export.py are you using?

Do you use icefall or your own code?

lucasjinreal commented 1 year ago


import argparse
import logging
from pathlib import Path

import sentencepiece as spm
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from aural.utils.scaling_converter import convert_scaled_to_non_scaled
from train import add_model_arguments, get_params, get_transducer_model
from aural.utils.util import str2bool
from alfred import logger as logging

def get_parser():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        help="Path to the BPE model",
        help="""True to save a model after applying torch.jit.trace.
        It will generate 3 files:
         - encoder_jit_trace.pt
         - decoder_jit_trace.pt
         - joiner_jit_trace.pt
        Check ./jit_pretrained.py for how to use them.
        help="""True to save a model after applying torch.jit.trace for later
        converting to PNNX. It will generate 3 files:
         - encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.pt
         - decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.pt
         - joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.pt
    parser.add_argument("-p", "--pretrained_model", type=str, help="pretrained model")
        help="The context size in the decoder. 1 means bigram; " "2 means tri-gram",
    return parser

def export_encoder_model_jit_trace(
    encoder_model: nn.Module,
    encoder_filename: str,
) -> None:
    """Export the given encoder model with torch.jit.trace()
    Note: The warmup argument is fixed to 1.
        The input encoder model
        The filename to save the exported model.
    x = torch.zeros(1, 100, 80, dtype=torch.float32)
    x_lens = torch.tensor([100], dtype=torch.int64)
    states = encoder_model.get_init_states()

    traced_model = torch.jit.trace(encoder_model, (x, x_lens, states))
    logging.info(f"Saved to {encoder_filename}")

    o_f = str(encoder_filename).split(".")[0] + ".onnx"
    # torch.onnx.export(encoder_model, (x, x_lens, states), o_f)
    logging.info(f"Saved ONNX to {o_f}")

def export_decoder_model_jit_trace(
    decoder_model: nn.Module,
    decoder_filename: str,
) -> None:
    """Export the given decoder model with torch.jit.trace()
    Note: The argument need_pad is fixed to False.
        The input decoder model
        The filename to save the exported model.
    y = torch.zeros(10, decoder_model.context_size, dtype=torch.int64)
    need_pad = torch.tensor([False])

    traced_model = torch.jit.trace(decoder_model, (y, need_pad))
    logging.info(f"Saved to {decoder_filename}")

def export_joiner_model_jit_trace(
    joiner_model: nn.Module,
    joiner_filename: str,
) -> None:
    """Export the given joiner model with torch.jit.trace()
    Note: The argument project_input is fixed to True. A user should not
    project the encoder_out/decoder_out by himself/herself. The exported joiner
    will do that for the user.
        The input joiner model
        The filename to save the exported model.
    encoder_out_dim = joiner_model.encoder_proj.weight.shape[1]
    decoder_out_dim = joiner_model.decoder_proj.weight.shape[1]
    encoder_out = torch.rand(1, encoder_out_dim, dtype=torch.float32)
    decoder_out = torch.rand(1, decoder_out_dim, dtype=torch.float32)

    traced_model = torch.jit.trace(joiner_model, (encoder_out, decoder_out))
    logging.info(f"Saved to {joiner_filename}")

def main():
    args = get_parser().parse_args()
    params = get_params()
    params.update({"exp_dir": "weights"})
    params.exp_dir = Path(params.exp_dir)

    device = torch.device("cpu")
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        device = torch.device("cuda", 0)
    logging.info(f"device: {device}")

    sp = spm.SentencePieceProcessor()

    # <blk> is defined in local/train_bpe_model.py
    params.blank_id = sp.piece_to_id("<blk>")
    params.vocab_size = sp.get_piece_size()


    if params.pnnx:
        params.is_pnnx = params.pnnx
        logging.info("For PNNX")

    logging.info("About to create model")
    model = get_transducer_model(params)

    num_param = sum([p.numel() for p in model.parameters()])
    logging.info(f"Number of model parameters: {num_param}")

        torch.load(args.pretrained_model, "cpu"),

    logging.info("model loaded!")

    if params.pnnx:
        convert_scaled_to_non_scaled(model, inplace=True)
        logging.info("Using torch.jit.trace()")
        encoder_filename = params.exp_dir / "encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.pt"
        export_encoder_model_jit_trace(model.encoder, encoder_filename)

        decoder_filename = params.exp_dir / "decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.pt"
        export_decoder_model_jit_trace(model.decoder, decoder_filename)

        joiner_filename = params.exp_dir / "joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.pt"
        export_joiner_model_jit_trace(model.joiner, joiner_filename)
    elif params.jit_trace is True:
        convert_scaled_to_non_scaled(model, inplace=True)
        logging.info("Using torch.jit.trace()")
        encoder_filename = params.exp_dir / "encoder_jit_trace.pt"
        export_encoder_model_jit_trace(model.encoder, encoder_filename)

        decoder_filename = params.exp_dir / "decoder_jit_trace.pt"
        export_decoder_model_jit_trace(model.decoder, decoder_filename)

        joiner_filename = params.exp_dir / "joiner_jit_trace.pt"
        export_joiner_model_jit_trace(model.joiner, joiner_filename)
        logging.info("Not using torchscript")
        # Save it using a format so that it can be loaded
        # by :func:`load_checkpoint`
        filename = params.exp_dir / "pretrained.pt"
        torch.save({"model": model.state_dict()}, str(filename))
        logging.info(f"Saved to {filename}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

Turns out you have restructured the code. I don't know if there is anything missing in your code.

If you cannot reproduce the results with icefall, we will look into it.

lucasjinreal commented 1 year ago

the code is same as icefall, didn't change anything.

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

the code is same as icefall, didn't change anything.

Are you able to reproduce it with icefall, not with your project?

lucasjinreal commented 1 year ago

@csukuangfj I have using the pt and the model inference result right in pytorch, at least indicates that, the model and weights has not porblem.


but ncnn was wrong.

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

Are you able to reproduce it with icefall, not with your project?

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

We have CI test in icefall to ensure that running with ncnn for lstm-transducer works.

The code for the CI is https://github.com/k2-fsa/icefall/blob/9ae2f3a3c5a3c2336ca236c984843c0e133ee307/.github/scripts/run-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03.yml#L28

lucasjinreal commented 1 year ago

@csukuangfj then which part am missing? I can not produce with icefall aswell, exportation was wrong?>

csukuangfj commented 1 year ago

I can not produce with icefall aswell

What commands are you using for reproducing?